dads helping with night feeds???


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2006
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do any of your partners/husbands help with the night feeds?
mine does we take it in alternate nights to get up, its great coz it means we get a 6 hour sleep normally on our 'nights off'.

any one else or am i just lucky? :wink:
A big, fat NO!

My OH was always very accomodating until we had the baby, but seems to be enjoying his new role as breadwinner a bit too much!

He will help but only on his days off which I suppose is fair enough really.

I only begrudge it because I hate playing housewife and remember the days when I had a better career than him!
No because I am breastfeeding and he doesn't have the "magic boob" as he calls it. But its not too bad as Seren is usually in bed with us so I just latch her on and fall straight back asleep :D However if I have had a bad night he gets up with her and lets me have a lovely lie in :cheer:
my DF used to always get up with me even when i was breast feeding, he used to get her out of the crib and put her back, when i put her on the bottle he did most night feeds, reguardless if he was working or not..... bless him :hug:
My DH always helped out, even when I was breastfeeding he would get up sometimes to keep me company. DH loves feeding Jamie, I think it made/makes him feel more like a Dad :D
my oh helped out with out son doing nite feeds, he would get up at the weekends and do it and i would get up during the week
Whilst breastfeeding no, but once ewan was on the bottle at about 8 months hubby did get up and do afew feeds when i was ill or tired.
I am bf Jacob and Dh always gets up with me and keeps me company :D

I asked my hubbie to do the 11am ish feed for me one night (the night before my birthday so that I could have approx 5/6 hrs sleep in one go. He agreed. So I expressed of the milk on the morning before and left it ready in the fridge. She started to wake a bit early 10:30 so I asked him to feed her then. He grumbled loads about me "changing my mind about the time" and several times asking he got up, switching the light on in our room, levaing the door open and switching the light on in the hall way. He then has trouble feeding her the bottle and calls me through. I test the bottle and it is still cold! I ask him where the hot water is - he had chucked it away downstairs. I heat the bottle up to a sensible temperature and she then drinks it. However she had got so wound up by all this going on that she ended up not going down nicely and wanted a drink of the breast anyway. All in all I got more disturbed by him doing it than I would have done just getting up feeding her and going back to sleep.
My dear partner has selected hearing bless him :think:

He cant hear our children crying during the night :think:

In 4 weeks apart from 3 nights in hospital and maybe 3/4 11pm feeds i have got up everytime during night to feed Alastair :)
He did help out when Aimee was first born and she used to wake for 2 feeds in the night. We would do one each, then she started waking once and it just so happened to be my feed that she still wanted and thats the way its stayed. He has never got up since! :x She sometimes wakes up 10 times in the night now and its me everytime. Now he has started working again he doesn't lift a finger around the house either. Honestly today i came in from the shops and i had bags on the back of the pram so when i got Aimee out the pram tipped over. I went in the livingroom cos i had hold of Aimee expecting him to pick up the pram and take the bags off but he walked in the kitchen stepped over the pram got something out of the fridge and stepped over it again and folloewed me in the living room :twisted: I could of punched him!
My OH doesn't do night feeds!!! he says he has to get up for work and bring in the money which is enough! it p***es me off I tell you! :twisted:

He doesn't work weekends and doesn't even do them!!! some men I tell you! ( by some men I just mean mine :roll: )
I am sleeping in the nursery with the moses basket on the bed next to me as I'm breastfeeding. I have been expressing too because I have a lot of milk so my midwife told me to express and empty my boobs once a day to avoid mastitis. My Dh uses this for the last feed of the evning about 11pm. He then sleeps all night and then takes Leorah after her first morning feed so I can catch a couple of hours sleep or do something else for myself. I'm dreading him going back to work, I am going to have to be so organised! :lol:
When I first came out of hospital my dh was brill always up feeding the monkey cos I was so poorly but once I was better it was up to me even though he had 3 days off a week! Aaron doesn't feed in the night now but still wakes up for a cuddle and I have to do it because Aaron will only settle with me. I don't mind so much really as dh let's me have lie in's most weeks so it's all nice really.
As I've been expressing milk for a couple of weeks now my OH does the 11pm feed (and if I'm exhausted during the day he'll do afternoon feds as well, he works from home - what a god send!). The other night he thought he'd give me an extra break by doing the 2am fed, however my boobs were not preped for this and I thought they might explode, so I ended up having to get up and express anyway! :x . It's a bit annoying as baba does wake up around every 2hrs from midnight onwards, as we have moses basket next to our bed, when wakes for a fed I just put him in our bed and once he's finished and dropped of again I'll pop him back in his basket - if I'm still awake that is!!!!
i never used to make kris night feed unless i was totaly knackerd. i was on maternity leave he still has work the next day!!!!

but then with my second. he had work the next day yet i still had a 13month ild baby aswell as a newborn prem baby so i used to drag him up to help then
My DH could sleep through WW3! So, no, he doesn't do any of the night feeds. Having said that, if I did wake him and asked him to do it, I know he would. It's just that I am awake anyway, so might as well do it myself. He does do the 6pm and the 10pm feeds as they are the only ones he is home for. That gives me a bit of a break. and at the minute, I sleep when Charlie goes for his morning nap after his 10am feed, so it's only fair that I do the night feeds.

If/when I go back work, I will be waking him yo to do his share though. :lol:
angiemum2b said:
My OH doesn't do night feeds!!! he says he has to get up for work and bring in the money which is enough! it p***es me off I tell you! :twisted:

He doesn't work weekends and doesn't even do them!!! some men I tell you! ( by some men I just mean mine :roll: )

SNAP!!! the nicest thing he does and that cos i make him is take ellis on a sunday morning at 7.


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