Cycle 1 with Ovusense.

Was hoping for a bigger rise this morning - little gutted.

On the plus side. It's my Furbabies 1st Birthday today :):) xx


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Hia!how are you both? I haven't been able to get on for a few days don't know what was going on with tapatalk? Af is easing off so will start using ovusense boxing day night are you both doing? Charlotte do you put the same temp that ovusense comes up with into FF?

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Whoop to AF going!

I am really good. We have OH kids today so they have opened presents etc. It's really nice :)

Yep I input into FF as I can put my data on to that. This is my chart so far I am not sure if I have ovulated or not :( xx


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AF is down to spotting for me too, thinking I'll start using OvuSense again tomorrow night.

Charlotte you're doing your digi's for o right?
Yep, it comes up on Ff as monitor as it has low, high & peak.

Had my peak on CD11 then big temp drop. Temp has gone up since but not enough to qualify as O I don't think and this mornings temp as same as yesterday. So no idea what's going on with me. Maybe I will ovulate later again even though I took Soy and get my Digi reading??

Glad AF is going away for you both :D

Had a lovely day with OH kids. We played mousetrap and operation :) mouse trap took me ages to set up lmao! Xx
Merry Xmas! Hope you've both had a lovely day xxx

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Merry Xmas ladies :):)

I had a great day with family :)

I have finally had confirmation and in the 2ww - argh lol!!

How are both you girls? Xx


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Ooo exciting! Not long! Got everything crossed for you hun! Glad you had a nice day...I worked in the morning then had lunch at my mums. Got the whole family over today hubby's children are here aswell. I don't know if I should wait until cd9 or 10 to start using ovusense after what happened last month. What do you think?? Xx

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I would start using as soon as AF has gone sweetie but do what you feels best :)

We have got Kodi working at home so a day of films for us. Currently watching fantastic beasts - whoop!!

Just got to keep my fingers crossed for this cycle. Hope we have done enough xx
OK I'll start tonight...has ovusense confirmed O for you??

I love kodi going to watch elf soon!

I have everything crossed for you also xxx

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No it hasn't confirmed yet but if I get a temp rise tomz I am sure it will.

It's brilliant - fab Xmas pressie off my rents lol! I know how my days off will be spent lol!!

My cold is getting worse. Going to a friends tonight for dinner then I will prob crash into bed early :( so glad I didn't have it yesterday. Back to work tomz for me aswell, least I won't keep staring at FF ha! Slowly losing the plot

Hopefully you will get confirmed O tomorrow!

I'm going to use opks this month and see if I can match up ovulation with what ovusense says and hopefully it doesn't say I ovulate on cd11 like last month! X

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Belated Merry Christmas, ladies. We've been busy. Starting OS again tonight!
Well it hasn't confirmed O but had quite a big temp jump this morning. Glad it coincided with Clearblue tho.

Merry Xmas Salley, good luck with Ovusense this month :) xx


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I used ovusense last night and thought I'd purchase the 30days from today...well I'm still waiting for my code! It's taking a while to come through! When I purchased it the code come through straight away! last night was a waste of time!

That is a big temp jump! Glad it has coincided with clear blue! I was going to do the trial a few years back but they wanted my urine everyday? Have you still got to do that? Xx

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Aww that's terrible! Have you emailed their support?

Yup big jump, still can't stop staring at my chart lol!

Yeh collect every morning although I have forgot 2 as I genuinely forgot in the morning.

Suffering with this head cold and feel like I have swallowed a cactus. Came home from work early aswell as just couldn't hack it lol! Xx
And I forgot to put OS in last night. whoops. Going to start tonight, setting a reminder on my phone. :)

Sorry to hear you're under the weather Charlotte, hope it passes quickly.

I haven't even tried to buy the packages for OS yet, Lau. Hopefully I don't run into the same problem. Did you ever get the code?
It's exciting!! Hope you feel better soon!

I have just emailed them explained I'm not happy about it!

I have eaten sooooo much over the past few days I feel sooooo bloated lol xx

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I've been emailing them and they're saying there's nothing I can do just have to wait for the code...I'm not happy because it said last cycle I ovulated cd11 an I'm cd9 atm x

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Oh no Salley, you need to get into the swing of it.

Have you heard anything back Lau?

I have slept all afternoon and could quite easily go back. My throats feels massive and it's so sore. No stuff in the house for homely remedies :(

Me too! Love Xmas junk food. I was brought a smoothie maker which I am very excited to start using. I don't eat breakfast or lunch so going to have smoothies as it's much better than nothing at all. Have you ladies got any recipes? Xx

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