The month we conceived I thought I hadn't even ovulated as I had absolutely no symptoms what so ever! I only did a test because we were out for my sil's birthday that night so would have been drinking! I was in complete shock when it was positive and tbh pretty much still am xx
I know im not out til af arrives...but after last month i think if shes late again this month then il just think its another off month.
But i cant help browsing baby sites thinking "i want that travel system" or "i like that cot". Even to the point of planning hownil decorate the room for either a boy or a girl n looking at outfits
I need ur help ladies...todays been totally weird.
Started with light brown spotting this morning...seeing as af isnt supposed to be due until the 1st i thought oo maybe its implantation.
But the brown spotting got heavier...stayed brown. Then this afternoon it turned red and is like a period.
On top of that iv had stomach ache ALL day.
Then i thought maybe i ovd early...before i remembered af was 8 days late last time and now its 5 days early???
Thats the thing...last af was 8 days late and lasted 5 days...accordin to glow the last day of my fertile period was 6 days ago and now this :/ really confused. Af isnt due til the 1st
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