8DPO... Very Hopeful!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2010
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Hello Everyone

Here's the scoop.. I have a 32 day cycle and my last period 9th June 2010. My next period due date is 11th July 2010, I know that is over a week away but i have some very strange symptoms happening to me and i was wondering if anyone else had these symptoms and then they found out they were pregnant or if it was just their period turning up lol...

I'm 8DPO (1st July 2010) and from the 2DPO i started experiencing symptoms..

2DPO: Very Tired, Could Not Be Bothered To Do Anything, Started To Get A Headache.

3DPO: Tiredness Getting Worse, Headache Still There, Breasts Are Extremely Heavy.
4DPO: So Tired Very Unlike Me.. Headache, Veins Appeared On My Breasts, Heavy Bigger Breasts. (Hope My Eyes Aren't Playing Tricks On Me)
5DPO: Still Tired, Headache, Veiny Breasts, Heavier Breasts, But Now My Nipples Have A Golden Brown Tinge To Them And They Started To Get Sore.
6DPO: All The Symptoms Above, Nipples Aren't As Sore But my Breasts Have A Weird Tingly Feeling In Both.. Makes Me Want To Itch Them!!
7DPO: All Symptoms Above.. (Getting Annoyed With The Headaches! Lol), More Tingles In My Breasts, I Feel Like I Could Sleep After Having 13 Hours In Bed!! Mild Cramping In Abdominal Area.. Kinda Feels Like AF Is Coming..
8DPO: All Symptoms Above Comibined!! Lol.. Except Today I Can Really Feel The Cramping..

Can anyone shed some light on this for me? Or give me their symptoms and experiences please.. I have been TTC for 8 months and would really like this to happen.. xxxx

Blessed Be )0(

Rachel xx
They all sound like really positive signs hun. I had all the above sypmtoms this month and i got my BFP after 8 months of TTC!Fingers crossed this is it for you too xxx
Sounds positive hun - hope you get your BFP x
From what I've been reading here and from friends pregnancy stories, it sounds likely. I hope you get a BFP :)

Good Luck!!!!

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