

Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
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I was just curious...

I suffer with anxiety and stress related blackouts and am worried about how long I'll have to stay in hospital (away from OH) after Francesca is born? I know it depends on how the birth goes and if I have to have a section etc etc... But after say a pretty "straightforward/normal" birth, how long are you usually kept in? Thank ladies, just, strangely maybe, this is my biggest concern at the moment........ Makin me feel :sick: with worry when ever I think about it :( x
If eveyrthing goes okay and depending on what time you go in , you can be out in 6 hours at our hospital but like you said it depends on loads of things. I'm aiming for the 6 hour mark coz I hate hospitals. lol
Thank you, I just really don't wanna have to stay in over night on my own :( I'd be so stressed out and panicky, dunno if I'd cope tbh... They wanted to keep me in over night at 18 weeks but I discharged myself cause was so scared :/. I was in last October overnight and OH was allowed to stay with me then, but I don't know if it was just because of the reason I was in..... x
what were you scared of ? just being in the hospital generally? Do they know about your anxiety and stress related blackouts ?? if not you should maybe mention it too the midwife or write it in your notes, they may make allowances and put you in a private room or something? If nothing else its probably worth asking about just to see if you have any other options
Where I've been suffering with the blackouts for almost 2 years I really don't get left on my own much incase I hurt myself (it happened whilst walking up the stairs once and thought I'd broken my back). So now when it comes to being left on my own I freak out and panic and get the shakes really bad... Stressin myself out... So I guess I'm almost askin to black out but I can't help it... I just really don't want to end up like that hours after having my little girl :/ My midwife kinda knows about it, just not all the ins and outs. Think I'll bring it up when I see her next... Maybe they can do something :/ Either that or I'll be opting for a home birth and praying nothing goes wrong xx
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I've stopped in overnight for the girls and was discharged the same day with Sam. They had to wait until the epidural had worn off and I could walk again.

Have a word with the labour suite and explain the situation to them. I'm sure they'll be sympathetic towards you.
When i had LO they would of happily discharged us after 4 hours But LO had to be kept in due to a heart murmour so me and lo stayed on the ward for the night and came home lunch time the next day x
It all differs hun, where I am if all goes as planned it's 6 hours, but Odhrán had a temperature and we were kept in for 2 nights, would you consider a home birth? If you would be stressed and anxious about the hospital it might be worth looking into, have you mentioned it to your HV x
I quite like the idea of a home birth, but OH isn't keen on the idea... Might try and talk him round. I'm hoping to have a natural a birth as possible anyway so...... Haven't mentioned anything to anyone really yet... But I see MW next week so will probably ask a few questions there xx
My hospital is just 3 hours then you can go home if you want but they also will only let you stay for a maximum of 24 hours x.
I thought the general rule for first time mums was 24hrs, at least, but that might just be my hospital, I'm sure I read that in the books as well but dont quote me - it will fly in.

I was in for 2 days after having mine and she was born with no probs all i had was a tear, dont really know why i was kept in so long.

You should be able to get a room, it really depends if there are any spare.

I was worried about being in for ages too but it really does fly in, especially when you get visitors twice a day. It killed me tho when OH had to leave an hour after birth.

Try not to worry, it will be fine!
My birth was textbook, nothing at all wrong but still ended up in for 2 nights so it would be a pity if this happened for you too because of how you feel about it all :hug: Definitely have a chat with your MW she would know a lot more than me xx
I would suggest you think about a home birth too, you would be far more relaxed by the sound of it and would set your mind at rest now too. I'm planning on a home birth mainly cos i hate hospitals and have and irrational fear of anything to do with vomit so dont want to be in a situation where there are sick people or i might catch something (yeah, i know its silly!) i want to feel at ease and relaxed not worrying about other things while Im in labour. my hubby was totally against it, even caused a couple of rows but he's come round now he knows how safe it is and how you get one to one care at home etc etc. Have a chat with your OH and MW to see what would be best for you.
I am worried about this too :hugs:
littlemiss, an hour after the birth? :( thats awful, i hope that doesn't happen with me. xxx
I would suggest you think about a home birth too, you would be far more relaxed by the sound of it and would set your mind at rest now too. I'm planning on a home birth mainly cos i hate hospitals and have and irrational fear of anything to do with vomit so dont want to be in a situation where there are sick people or i might catch something (yeah, i know its silly!) i want to feel at ease and relaxed not worrying about other things while Im in labour. my hubby was totally against it, even caused a couple of rows but he's come round now he knows how safe it is and how you get one to one care at home etc etc. Have a chat with your OH and MW to see what would be best for you.

Have you thought about the options for if something goes wrong/if you can't cope with the pain etc? That's the only thing that worries me about a home birth really.... TBH I think if I just told OH that I want a home birth he'd accept it eventually... Dunno MW policy on home births though as she doesn't even do home visits... So definitely something to talk to her about next week xx
Sarah I think its amazing that your having a home birth. I've never known anyone before who's had one. Its definately something I would consider, although going by my last birth I shouldn't with this one. Maybe if this one goes ok I might with the next (if there is a next!) cant wait to hear all about your birth.
Just had a quick chat with OH about it (got myself all upset :roll:). He was a bit eww no! At first cause of the messiness of it all and the fact that we live in a flat... But after explaining everything he said to have a chat with MW/GP about it and start planning for it if I really want it :) xx
That's fab news hun :love: at the end of the day it is you that is giving birth and you that will be anxious in the hospital afterwards :hug: Chuffed he is happy for you to along with it! How are you feeling about it, Mervs Mum had a home birth and knows all of the ins and outs about it so maybe if she pops on and sees this she will be able to give you some more advice x x
That's fab news hun :love: at the end of the day it is you that is giving birth and you that will be anxious in the hospital afterwards :hug: Chuffed he is happy for you to along with it! How are you feeling about it, Mervs Mum had a home birth and knows all of the ins and outs about it so maybe if she pops on and sees this she will be able to give you some more advice x x

I'm feeling pretty confident... So long as everything goes as planned ya know... Thanks xx
aww that is such a shame about your anxiety attacks and not being able to be left on your own etc, are you getting any sort of help for them? hopefully you will get your homebirth instead. defo speak to your midwife about it all anyway, might help you in the long run with everything :).

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