Hey mums
Just a few questions really about how you feel physically after birth.
How long were you sore for and what sort of pain is it? An ache, sting etc?
Bum hurt when sitting down (I'm sure the baby didn't come out that way
How long did you bleed for?
Nearly 6 weeks but I wouldn't rest and kept doing stuff
Is the first poo really THAT bad?! (sorry!)
No, my bowels were'nt affected and pooing as normal the next day
What are the "after pains" like?
I didn;t even know I was going to get after pains but just little cramps for a day or two
If you had stitches do they dissolve or do you have to have them taken out?
Didn;t have any
And this is a really stupid question but if you have stitches can they burst when you go for a poo? (sorry! told you it was a stupid question!)
Sorry these are probably very weird and pointless questions but I'm curious!
Thankyou in advance for any replies