cups of tea


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2009
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just wanted to share something that could help!!!
my oh drink so much tea like it was going out of fashion :lol:
and this was the first month that he changed to def caf tea bags and cut down and got the good news!!!
anyways it maybe just a conicidence but worth a try :dance: many cups of tea do you think you used to drink?

I'm quite an avid tea drinker too!

i wasnt thats bad i had about 3 but the other half was having over 10 cups a day
I reckon I have about 3-4 a day - some decaf but 10 cups a day is quite alot!

I don't drink coffee but DH does so maybe he'll could cut that down a bit!

SPC xx
I have totally cut out coffee but read on the internet:
"Don't Drink Coffee but Do Drink More Tea Women should try to cut out coffee altogether. More than 300 milligrams of caffeine per day can reduce fertility by almost one third. Women who drink at least two cups of tea per day nearly double their odds of conceiving."

Was a massive coffee drinker until new year but not really into tea - now trying to have 2 cups - ANYTHING to improve our chances :)! Have also asked DH to try and limit his coffee drinking at work.
That's very interesting!

Apart from the odd glass of juice or milk the only thing I drink is tea!! I must drink on average about 6 cups a day (more if i'm at the in-laws house lol).

My OH drinks tons of tea too, much more than me! Sod telling him to cut down though, it'd be like telling him to chop his leg off! ha ha ha ha

I also cut out tea and coffee the month that we TTC and by default so did DH- he doesn't tend to make it if I'm not having one. I have heard that cutting out caffeine improves fertility.
i never stop drinking tea about 10 cups a day luckly tho now im pregnant i can even look at the stuff .
I cut out all caffeine when we were TTC and it seemed to work!
My o/h drinks tea like no ones business and when I told him about this post, he was like no....I was like yes and then search for it in google and you are right, tea can effect the quality of sperm...So he was so shocked that he has turned around and said he will cut it down to 1 or two tea's a day lol

Donna xx
I swapped to decaf tea (I don't like coffee) and DH swapped to decaf coffee when we started ttc.
Now that my body is used to decaf, if I have two cups of 'normal' tea within a few hours, my heart races, I get hyperactive and feel sick. Just goes to show how much caffeine is in tea - I never realised before!
wow think i am going to stock up on tea bags now :) i do drink about 6-8 cups of tea again! but OH isnt that bad on he's coffee he loves he's lemonade haha x
DO NOT DRINK De CAFF COFFE! What they have to do to make it de caff makes it far worse for you and has proven to reduce fertility
No de caff tea is fine, a good source of hydration and full of anti oxidants so knock yourself out! :)
So does anyone know how a can of coke compares for caffeine? I struggle to get going in the morning without it!
Your not suppose to have more than 300mgs of caffine a day and coke has 40. But remember any caffine increases the risk of misscarriage and low birth weight

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