Crying At Night...


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2011
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Hey all :wave:

Avery is 5 weeks old now and for some unknown reason from early evening, around 5pm - ish she just won't settle as good as she settles throughout the day!

She's been fed, changed, soothed, played with etc etc but she seems to fight sleep. Even when she's held and walked around with, she'll seemingly nod off but then starts squawking again!

It doesn't seem to be the so called "colic" as she isn't showing any of the common signs of it.

From 8.50pm tonight cos she was crying whilst in my arms I have laid her in her moses basket as I sit on the sofa and she has been squawking ever since! I reassure her every 5 mins that I'm here and that its ok but she just carries on.

Now I haven't a clue what to do as its been an hour! What should I do? Please help...x

She's nodded off twice in this time
It does sound like colic Hun. Try infacol or gripe water. Hope she settles soon x.
I've just picked her up as I can't bear her wee crys any longer...still squawking...but has now dropped off.

I do need to sort this though cos I've started to bring her into my bed at night just so as I can get some sleep! I don't want to continue this as I know its not safe to do so and isa bad habit to start. x
It does sound like colic Hun. Try infacol or gripe water. Hope she settles soon x.

Oh seriously! Even though she isn't drawing her knees up etc? Oh dear. I have colief drops, would they do?

I've been using Dr Brown bottles to prevent it too. Thanks for replying, I appreciate it. x
I dunno how old they have to be before they have colief, maybe search it and see. It does sound like colic, although it looked like colic with Lacey and it turns out it was silent reflux. If you listen before she starts screaming can you hear anything coming up in her mouth or her gulping something back down? If nothing helps try either putting her on her tummy over your knee or on your chest... i done this with Lacey and it seemed to help. If the problem is fighting her sleep then usually i just get her dummy (if you use one) and wiggle it about a bit in her mouth then tap it and snuggle her up and pat her bum. I try to make her settle on her own usually but she won't anything is worth a try. She also has Dentinox for wind which seems to of helped alot! Hope she settles for you. x x x
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I've just picked her up as I can't bear her wee crys any longer...still squawking...but has now dropped off.

I do need to sort this though cos I've started to bring her into my bed at night just so as I can get some sleep! I don't want to continue this as I know its not safe to do so and isa bad habit to start. x

Don't worry hun co-sleeping is not dangerous at all. It is if you've been drinking or doing drugs because you're not fully aware of LO being there obviously but otherwise it's pretty safe. We've co-slept with Oscar since he was a couple of weeks old and still do mostly.
I was given the colief drops on prescription two days after she was born as she was screaming and we asked the emergency doc about it. Turns out she was ok...I was just over reacting :lol: Midwife said it was too soon at the time for her to have colic.

I'm not sure that she has colic though...(my son had colic as a baby and the usual signs aren't there with Avery) I think its more of a comfort thing but I could be entirely wrong. I think cos I tend to set her down more in the evening as I need to get stuff done, like dinner made, dishes washed, EAT dinner :lol: and that's around the time she starts. I tend to get out of the house everyday if possible and she seems to sleep at these times, be it a 45 minute car journey or a walk. But as soon as the motion stops, eyes ping right open and she wants lifted.

She's always cuddled, reassured etc but I think she just wants it all of the time...mind I'd have no probs doing this, but life gets in the way and stuff needs done.

Last night, after her squawking, she was due a bottle so after she's dropped off for all off 20 mins in my arms, she started crying again but I knew it was hunger this I took her upstairs and gave her the feed in the bedroom...I used the light from the landing coming through to the bedroom so as it wasn't too bright, kept talk to a minimum, changed her nappy, swaddled her in a blanket, gave her dodo, and she nodded off herself! Result!! :)

Then she woke around 3am for another feed and I did the same again and she nodded of herself again! I'm so proud of her :)

Well, we'll see how that routine goes tonight...

I'm being told to let her cry it out, but she's only 5 weeks old and I can't bear to hear her upset. She's so vunerable and helpless. But at the same time as soon as I lift her, I could swear that she smirks and stops crying, but dramatises a wee wail ;)

I also think that she's overtired when she crys whilst in my arms and she wants walked the floor with everywhere!

But then I could be wrong and it could be the dreaded colic...if it happens again tonight I'll try the colief drops first and then infacol and gripe water.

Its so hard when they can't tell you what's wrong. You wouldn't think that I already have a 14yr old son would you :lol: It all feels so new again.

Thanks for replying Ladies. x x
sounds just like my lil boy at that age and turned out to be relux had to really push tho to let them know it wasnt colic hope this helps hes in infant gaviscon and ranitidine now and is such a happy lil gurgley baba :) xx
Thanks rere.

How old is your little boy now? Does it mean he'll be on gaviscon forever or does it go away? Sorry for the questions...I'm just at my wits end cos I dunno what to do for her. x
Please do not listen to anyone who tells you to let her cry it out. It is absolutely NOT appropriate for a baby her age ( personally I don't think it is for any age but that is another discussion). Even CIO proponents say it should not be used under 6months.

You say she seems to want cuddling all the time - have you considered using a wrap? A stretchy wrap is easy to use, wearing babies during the day has been shown to reduce crying at night and it leaves your hands free to get on with your life while keeping baby close and content.

Co sleeping can be done safely, you just need to take appropriate precautions. Don't worry about creating bad habits. The best place for her to sleep is wherever the family gets most sleep.

On my phone so can't give you links atm but happy to find some later if you'd like.

I really can spell, my ipod just prefers typos.
I would be grateful of any links you can provide thanks.

A stretchy wrap? I'll google that & see if I can get one. It would make life a hell of a lot easier ;) x
I co slept with M for ages she now wont start the night in my bed and happily goes straight to sleep in her cot i have never left her to cry she has just got into this routine herself.
I used a moby in the early days was fantastic xx
my lo is 6months now he sees a pedatrician every 3months and majority of babies do just outgrow it by the time they are one but i seriously push u to go and push it at the docotors cause they are no good at i wish i had done it earlier as i spent 2-3months not enjoyin motherhood cause i felt so helpless for my lil boy i hope u get the help soon and have a happy lil baba in no time :)
p.s am due at pedatrician soon to see how my lo is doin hopefully by 9 months he can come off the stuff and be oki :) xx

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