Crisis Loan *update*

moss said:
The trouble is we aren't eligible for much because we are both students. There view is we get help from the government already so are excluded from most things... At least that is what CAB told my husband a couple of months ago.

I don't think this is right :think: I think it is the same situation as many mums have found themselves in because they have decided to stay home with their children - if you choose not to work you are not entitled to much.

Also, I seem to remember that if you stay in full time education the government considers your parents to be financially responsible for you until you are 25. A ridiculous age to be considered dependant on your parents (says me who moved out at the age of 26 :oops: ) but that's what they say.

My OH was laid off when LO was a few weeks old and is looking for work so he gets £60 a week jobseekers. I'm on maternity leave so get £117 a week until I go back to work. Between child benefit and tax credit we get another £40 a week. Do you really think we should get more money if OH decided to go to university again instead of looking for work? I don't.

Having a degree also doesn't mean you won't need their help in the future. OH has an undergraduate degree and a PhD, but the company he was working for decided they wanted to have all their employees in Canada and we're not moving so he's unemployed despite having degrees. So you can see why they won't give you extra benefits on that basis.

It's obviously up to you and your OH to decide what's best in your situation but I personally think one of you needs to look for a job to support your family.

Edited to add these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I hope what I've said doesn't come across as being horrible to you, I just wanted to show you a different perspective
Not that I should justify myself from unwelcomed private messages judging my personality, but here I go.

We both work, and I'm working ridiculously long hours at the moment at that! Once we are students and in receipt of our loans, which get paid back and not handed to us, we will be fine with my husbands job on top of that. It makes more sense for us because we're on the same course so rather than having to fork out for childcare we can share the attendance of classes, with my husband mainly going in the beginning and I can stay at home, take care of the baby and do homework there. Once my maternity pay is over I can get a part-time job to fit around my husband's, or look into alternative arrangements. We live in a very scientifically centred city, and if we don't finish our courses we will be stuck in the same type of jobs we have always had.

We are above the age that the government considers parents responsible for us as students, by the way, and I don't expect to be given more just because we decided to be students... I do however think that as people who have paid high taxes and NI for a good number of years, we should not be automatically excluded simply because we want to work and study. That is exactly the type of thing that encourages some people to leave their courses, and live off benefits and jobseekers for as long as possible. We want to do both at the same time so that we can obtain the scientific jobs we know we can in just a couple of years. If that means we get a little assistance then I don't see the problem. We still pay taxes and have for years, and we will be long after this.

I do not expect things to be handed to me. I wanted a crisis loan because there has been either a mistake or a wrong-doing with my electricity, meaning we were suddenly and unexpectedly landed with a bill at a time almost everyone considers to be the most expensive time of their lives. I want to make sure it is taken care of so my baby is in a safe environment until we get it straightened out with the company. There is nothing wrong with that. I have never received any benefits, nor has my husband. We are suffering right now because of unfortunate circumstances, but are working hard to improve them. I am working 45 hours or more a week up until 1 and a half weeks before my due date, with SPD and chronic back problems. I come into work with crutches, a taped up foot and a back brace. I could have been signed off and my doctors have pushed for it, but I refuse because I want to earn my way.

My husband applies for every job under the sun, but has only been successful in a pretty low-paid retail job. He has only been contracted 12 hours a week but takes everything he can to make up for it, including nightshifts leading on directly from his dayshifts. He has lost weight and I am sure his health isn't great because he is always cold, even when our bedroom is 70 degrees. He is stressing to no end about this and feels incredibly guilty that I am having to work so much to make up for it.

So excuse me for feeling a little cheated that despite working hard my circumstances are so difficult. Before we moved, we both had great jobs and savings, and these have been swallowed up by the poor job market here. We had to move. We didn't know we would be expecting a baby soon afterward, but we are and we are doing our best to overcome these problems. Yes, I do come here and stress about it, but that's because I don't want to dump it all on my poor husband. I like to unwind when I finally come home from work.

So before you PM someone and tell them they are expecting handouts, perhaps you should look into the situation more.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I'm not going to get into things as I don't feel it serves any purpose. I know you need some support and a friendly face right now so have some more of these

:hug: :hug: :hug:

I hope the links I found are of some use and help get your electricity supply problem sorted. If I find anything else that may be of use I'll let you know.
I didn't feel the need to apply via PM because I don't feel the need to hide anything. I'm sad about my situation, I wish it could be better, but I am not ashamed of it. This is the furthest I go about this, though, because it is completely diverging off from my original question, and I feel it is bringing down the tone of the rest of the forum.
I don't want to get involved with that argument but I do hope that you are able to sort things out in a way that helps you xx

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