Cravings, anyone?


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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What cravings have people had? I'm not sure if it's too early but I've been craving milk like crazy! Drinking loads of it. I did with ds too so I must not get enough calcium normally... :think:

I've also got a huge thing for bombay mix at the moment, I'll quite happily munch through an entire bag every evening... mmm...

Nothing sweet at the moment so I'm starting to think blue again.
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OMG I have been craving everything haha
Philidelphia, mayonaise, eggs, (egg mayo or boiled egg) cheese (like a crazy person) Pie, steak, pasties, chocolate
I havent been craving milk, BUT i have drank some for no reason lol, I HATE milk generally,
Its a bugger, I tend to crave things I have to get OH to go way out of his way to get hahaha Poor man! Hampsons first thing in the morning, tesco last thing at night! Cooking pies and mashed spuds at 11 pm that kinda thing hee hee
My OH doesn't 'believe' in cravings (you don't need it you want it :roll: ) so wouldn't go out of his way to fetch me anything anyway :cry: I have to do it myself!
I dont know if there cravings, or if I just want them but

Tuna Subway :cry: I want it so bad
Prawn mayo sandwich

everything savoury and rich and sexy
My Oh has too hahaha Or I would kill him! No im just joking!
He didnt so much with my other 3 tbh! (although I didnt crave this badly then?)
But we went through a really bad patch last year and now he knows whats good for him! :wink: He goes above and beyond for me now! People say Im lucky, and I am in one way, but had to go through alot to get there so??
Hee hee I would if I hadn't had the same craving with DS... :think: I'd love a little girl but OH wants another boy :roll: he's already been telling ds he's having a little brother :) :roll:
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Im kinda thinking pink at the mo!!
Only a girl could kick my ass like this lol! :lol:
Not much in the way of cravings, but want chocolate muffins and strawberries and cream (just had a bowl of them yummy!).
Milk craving - me too! I thought I was just being weird! This afternoon I've drunk about 2 1/2 pints of the stuff! We went out for dinner to Pizza Express and I had 1/2 a pint there aswell.

The funny thing is, I'm drinking alot, but not peeing alot, so it must be being used up somewhere.

I hope its a good sign.
:rotfl: Maybe baby my OH has been saying the same to Elle that hes names "him" Jimmy for now :rotfl: Elle calles my bump "brother" and im like nooo Elle, Bubble! lol :rotfl: :lol:

but HATING milk, chocolate, cake anything fastfoody, mint ewww popcorn (just the disgusting smell of it)

LOVELOVELOVE frozen yoghurt, salad, grapes, BANANS, pecan nuts, chicken, pasta, tomatoes, cerial (especially special K with walnuts or pacans on top)

i made a lovely big pot of garlic tomato sauch pasta lastnight..
melt butter, add onions, add garlic, stir, caremalize then add tomatoes, add basil and seasoning, add pizza tomato paste, and 2 spring onions, a splash or cream. cook pasta yumyumyumyum!! :dance:
Oh gosh no dont mention pizza tomato paste!! :puke: :puke:
I have a reaction to just the thought of it!
When I first found out I was pg, I had a craving for these panini's (yak cant even say that word either) from a local supermarket, well one day, OH asked if I wanted to go get one and I had to run to the toilet!??
I didnt actually be sick (I had an empty belly) but gosh the thought even now still knocks me really really sick!! :puke:
haha just a little story for you all hee hee
Before my first pregnancy I didn't eat meat, but had huge cravings for it and practically turned into a full blown carnivore :lol:

With this pregnancy though, I cant stand the thought of eating the stuff.
Cant get enough rice crispies in me mind, i've gone through 2 boxes so far in less than a week!
I had a craving for chip butties and chicken curry when i was pregnant with my little girl... BUT they had to be chip shop chips and they HAD to be in a crispy roll. I dont normally eat chip butties. I also lived, breathed and dreamed about chicken curry but i would only accept it from a specific takeaway and it didnt give me the same satifaction if it was from somewhere else!!! :rotfl: I have never eaten either since I dont think. I would feel sick if even a waft of smoke came near me (yet i smoked before i got pregnant - gave up as soon as i found out i was!) and the smell or sight of alcohol made me wanna wretch. I believe in cravings for sure! :cheer:
Elle'sMumy said:
:rotfl: Maybe baby my OH has been saying the same to Elle that hes names "him" Jimmy for now :rotfl: Elle calles my bump "brother" and im like nooo Elle, Bubble! lol :rotfl: :lol:

but HATING milk, chocolate, cake anything fastfoody, mint ewww popcorn (just the disgusting smell of it)

LOVELOVELOVE frozen yoghurt, salad, grapes, BANANS, pecan nuts, chicken, pasta, tomatoes, cerial (especially special K with walnuts or pacans on top)

i made a lovely big pot of garlic tomato sauch pasta lastnight..
melt butter, add onions, add garlic, stir, caremalize then add tomatoes, add basil and seasoning, add pizza tomato paste, and 2 spring onions, a splash or cream. cook pasta yumyumyumyum!! :dance:

Well hello Delia Smith hehe.. :rotfl:
forget recipe books i'll PM you, hehe.. your tea sounds scrummy Yummy xx
Before I found out I was pregnant I used to have a real sweet tooth, but now the only thing sweet I can eat is apples!!! And lots of them! I am really craving savory things at the minute and just cant stop eating salty crisps
I've now completely gone off the bombay mix & am spending a fortune on olives instead. Mmm...

Oh and I've developed a MAJOR aversion to garlic which is a shame because I usually love it! And eat it in everything.
Carbs!! Which figures 'cos I was on the South Beach Diet before I got pg. What's really annoying is how I have gone off spicy food. I normally LOVE it, but it makes me wanna puke and gives me the runs now (sorry TMI). I hope that doesn't last! OH is gutted - he loves our Friday night curries!
NEVER let a pregnant woman loose in Tesco... I popped in for something for tea, arrived home and realised I've bought:

1 massive jar of pickled beetroot
2 jars of olives (1 green, 1 black)
1 big tub of ice cream
2 boxes of magnums
2 chocolate swiss rolls
1 pineapple

:think: that's not going to get me very far :think:
I also am craving milk which i hardly ever drink normally, but the last week i can't get enough of it. Also Orangina, which unfortunately i can't seem to find in my local shops :( I usually can't get enough of chocolate and sweet things but i just don't fancy them....result :dance:

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