Craving or am I just being greedy?


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
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I keep eating food which is really bad for me like chocolate, curry, McDonalds, ice cream etc... Other than fruit and drinking water and milk I am barely having anything healthy. I just don't fancy eating anything like salads or healthy food.

I've not experienced any funny cravings at all in this pregnancy but I am beginning to wonder if I am simply craving fast/ high sugar food?
I am the same, didn't really touch chocolate before becoming pregnant but now have to have it.
im the same about mac ds cant get enough of it would eat it everyday if i could its the salty chips im craving i wasnt a fan before!!
im the same before i was pregnant i never had a sweet tooth at all now i cant get enough of sweet things lol x
i gone of sweet things, except icecream. Im with you on the unhealthy food tho :D
Me too! I've had to stop myself lately as MW told me i'd put on too much weight! :(
I crave so much sugar its unreal!!! I used to crave chocolate when Ihad PMT before I was pregnant but never bothered with sweets. Now, I have a multipack of chewits inthe cupboard, and I cant get enough of ice lollies, sugary yoghurts/choc deserts....custard mmmm. I cant get enough!

Weighed myself this morning :faint:
im exactly same eating loads of rubbish but bloody sainsburys keep putting ben n jerrys on offer lols
Lol I'm a mcdonalds junkie most days it's my main meal ATM :blush:

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my midwife is quite strict about what i eat she asks me if i eat healthy and what i eat and what i do for exercise lol
ive been eating pretty much everything in sight for the last few months. my appetite is huge and i can eat for england.

sometimes i eat loooooooads of junk food too. i try to throw in the odd healthy thing but its mostly not.

uh oh. i bet we will be fine. my mum said when she was pregnant they neevr went on about the foody rules and they ate what they wanted and the babies were just as healthy xx
to be honest as long as u eat enough on a regular basis i dont think it should matter what u eat or less you are extremely overweight or underweight.

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