Craving Cigerettes?


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2010
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:wave: Hiya girlies!

Well, I'm 20 weeks tomorrow [got my scan then too!!] and I've noticed over the past week or so I've been absolutely craving a ciggie!

I was a smoker before I got preggers, but to be honest since then, up until last week the thought, taste and smell turned my stomach.

Now though... ooft! It's even seeing someone on TV smoking, or walking past someone smoking.... it's driving me bonkers!!
I have caved in and had a smoke or two as well, because it was stressing me out trying to hold off, it makes my jaw ache, I was dribbling and all sorts!!

Anyway, I think the point of this is - anyone else had any weird / potentially harmful (!!!) cravings??

the taste and smell turn mt stomach iam trying to cut down so far im doin good not completly off them yet but trying ever so hard x
I have been the same I quit a week after I found out and up until recently I was ok its really hard cos I want to smoke but I havent caved at all yet!
Well done girls, really keep going on the no fags, (hard for me to say if you asked me to give up chocky etc!) but your babies really will appreicate and benefit from all this effort your making after
I've managed to stay off them this time (and hope that's me off them for life!!!) - but I really really craved them (and didn't manage to stop) all through my first preg. It was b4 the smoking banwhich didn't help either. Luckily DD doesn't seem to have suffered any ill effects - she is very sturdy and never ill. DH is still bloody well smoking (OUTSIDE - or else grrr) so that's not helping.

I used NRT (inhalator and mints) for three days -then went off for the weekend without it (oops) and decided as I hadn't had nicotine for that long it was prob mostly out my system anyway. I used the inhalator without the nicotine cartridge for a while esp if friends were smoking or something and it's still in handbag but I haven't used it in ages. I went to a support group too - which I really thought I'd hate and it turned out be really useful and a total laugh!!!!! I've been smoke-free for 21 weeks now and would really recommend anyone who is struggling to use the free help thats out there through your local NHS service or midwife - and you CAN use NRT when pregnant (my GP told me you couldn't when I was pregnant with my first - which was partly why I gave up on giving up!)

Good luck everyone - if I can do it you can (and don't feel guilty for caving and having the odd puff - I'm sure that not as bad for baby as stressing to the max!!)
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with my 1st i craved petrol i just had to smell it all the time, i thought it was very weird but according to midwife its quite common, as with cleaning agents and things so maybe the fags something weird like that, also they say a craving is what your body needs but i dont get that cause i dont think my body needed petrol lol. goo dluck with teh keeping off them i am still smoking i am down to 4 a day now, but i dont try to give up till out of 1st trimester because of previous miscarraiges every time i gave up, which was probably just conincidental. well done for giving up.
im down to smoking one a day (hafl in morning and half at night)....its hard.
but im getting round to stopping....hopefully

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