

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2012
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Hey lovelys :)

I'm roughly 8dpo and got some crampage goin on :roll: not quite af pain so its bearable but its been bugging me for two days, its like a dull ache low down and can't bloody bd cause its too sore on my tummy :( bit pointless really but just felt like a rant! Anyone else get cramps the week after o? Xx
I usually get cramps on my left side after OV along with backache was hoping those were pregnancy symptoms but nope it was just my body having a laugh.

Michelle x
Its pants hun :( got the feeling I'm out this month but hopefully I'm wrong. I thought it was maybe some kind of implantation cramping yesterday but doubt it would last two days xx
iv started cramping a little bit today hun on left side, im 8dpo....also had extremely bad back last few days but thats bcoz i have 2 slipped discs prob

hope its a good sign for us hun xxx
I was gonna post exactly the same!! Had terrible back ache and some cramping since Tuesday morning (6dpo). Eased up this afternoon leaving me feeling terribly sick! 8dpo today but bfn this morning. Never get bad backache like this with af!! The only sign I remember from 1st pregnancy is really sore boobs but haven't got that. Hoping it's a good sign but feeling its not successful this month xx
Fx for us girls!! I'm relying on the luck of Bella :) This may be tmi but its a bit like trapped wind or constipation cramps but really low down, although its not either of these things! I'm starting to get a little back ache to but that's probably because I've been sitting in the one spot for hours studying lol I really hope its not AF but if it is I wish it would just hurry up so I can be on to a new cycle xxx
just took my bra off and omg boobs really hurt....think nipples may look a tad darker t but im not sure, i dont pay much attention to them to be honest lol xxx
My boobies aren't actually hurting but they look a bit fuller, not counting on that though cause they always do that leading up to AF, that's the only thing I like about it haha my bbs look better ;) xxx
Hey everyone!
Looks like there's a few ladies who are in the same position as me...
I'm 8DPO and have been TTC for around 7 months - since 7DPO I have had really bad cramping. They are constant, but sometimes the pain is worse than other times... but I don't want to get my hopes up because all the months we have been trying I always think I'm pregnant but always get a BFN and AF eventually... Never had these crampings before though...
Anyone got any similar stories? When should I test?

Hi kris, me and bella are 8dpo and testing on the 17th! I'm the same as you, cramping yesterday and today, who knows eh?! Hopefully its a good sign xxx
Hi kris, me and bella are 8dpo and testing on the 17th! I'm the same as you, cramping yesterday and today, who knows eh?! Hopefully its a good sign xxx

Ahhh awesome! Have you been trying for long?
I had no idea there were so many forums about this kind of thing... it's really comforting...
I was complaining to my OH yesterday of really bad stomach/lower back pains... he said it was because I had eaten too much cake... (I had :P) but it went on for about 3 hours before I finally had to go and lie down in discomfort...
Wake up today and it's still the same dull, constant ache... I'm not 100% me and OH had sex at the right time to conceive but who knows... we've been trying long enough!
I will test on the 17th :) xx
Oh I will be looking out for your results then :) you will have to let us know!! We have been TTC for 18 months xx
Urggghhhh I feel very strange... Can't sleep because I just want to know if these cramps are in my head or not... it's been about 30 hours non stop now :(
Anyone up at this hour?
Hi ladies just thought I'd post, and hopefully bring you all a little bit of luck with this one. I got my BFP yesterday, and this was the only month since ttc, that I got AF like cramping bang on 7dpo, and the cramping continued every day a little - and then I got my BFP!. So, i'd put it down to a good sign. FX for all of you xxxxx
Thanks colourmeblue and congrats sweetie :) wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months!! I'm 9dpo today and the cramping has eased up a little but still have a little niggle. OH said this morning he thinks this could be it for us so hopefully he's right. Sorry to be personal colourmeblue but was bding a bit uncomfortable for you?xxx
Thanks colourmeblue and congrats sweetie :) wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months!! I'm 9dpo today and the cramping has eased up a little but still have a little niggle. OH said this morning he thinks this could be it for us so hopefully he's right. Sorry to be personal colourmeblue but was bding a bit uncomfortable for you?xxx

YES!!! - bd the night AF was due, and had the worst cramps after for about 20 mins. Do you have the same? x
This is giving me some hope! Yes I do, its really low down cramping, above my groin after bding, lasts for about 15-20 mins afterwards, and can't contemplate certain positions as its just to sore xxx
This is giving me some hope! Yes I do, its really low down cramping, above my groin after bding, lasts for about 15-20 mins afterwards, and can't contemplate certain positions as its just to sore xxx

Well I had it this time, and I clearly remember I had it when I was pregnant with my daughter. Its a good sign hun, I have my fx for you - keep us posted xx

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