

Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2006
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Ive started to get really bad cramp in my leg again when im asleep in bed, I wake up in pain, happeneed twice last night, I got this last time round its horrible and its always in the same leg plus ive been getting really bad pins and needles in my hands and feet arghhhh, just need to moan.
awww hun :hug: :hug:

that cant be nice,.... i used to get this years ago before I was pregnant... i have no idea what was causing it and put it down to tired legs (was a nursing student on my feet all day) and the varicose veins i have on my legs..

i dont know what to suggest, other than mentioning it to your midwife at next appointment?
Oh I know your pain hun! None so far in this pregnancy but I had it really bad in my 2nd and 3rd, used to wake up crying in pain. My OH used to rub it really hard to relieve the spasm which was the only thing that actually helped. I've heard it can be caused by some sort of mineral deficiency but not too sure. Hope it doesn't affect you too much x
I only seem to get it when pg, I had it when pg with rebecca and when I had her I never got it again till now, its horrible
im getting cramp too,my legs get so restless on a night and "leap" about on their own!
its horrid and i can't get comfy! :evil:
im getting really bad leg cramps too, ive had them for a few weeks now, not sure if mines to do with the spd though.
im in pain everyday with something but its my thought really i decided not to go for physio this time so i just have to suffer :(
I'm wracking my brains trying to remember where I read about something similiar to this. I seem to remember reading that Restless Leg Syndrome can occur during pregnancy. I've had a rumage around through my pile of leaflets I've been bombarded with and it's not in there.

If I remember right, it's just where your legs are active while you are asleep. My OH suffered for a while during a really stressful time.
I have had cramps three nights in a row now. It's so annoying and painful. Have some of these :hug: :hug: :hug:

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