Oh no wish I hadn't read this, I didn't know we got leg cramps, this has terrified me

I had a blood clot (dvt) in my leg 6 years ago and it started with cramp in my leg that just got more and more painful so was like having cramp all the time, I nearly died it was awful. Now if I get a leg cramp I panic, still can't sleep on my back as can't bear stuff touching my calves for too long. I've been told pregnant ladies are at risk of dvt's as our blood gets thicker, so because of my history midwife & consultant are making me have daily blood thinning injections throughout the pregnancy, seriously if I get leg cramps I'll be in a right panic!!! Been told any pain in my leg I have to go straight to A&E, if they are nightly around 20 wks I'll end up living there lol!!