

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2010
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Got woken up at half 5 this morning with cramp. Had to bite my duvet to stop me makin any noise, didn't wanna wake DH up.

I just know my leg is gonna be sore all day now :(

Anyone else been woken up with cramp? Did u have it a few nights in a row or was it just a one off? Am dreading going to bed tonight cos don't wanna wake up with cramp again.
i wake up with it in the back of my legs but it tends to pass quite quickly for me
Ive had this quite a lot in the last few weeks :( it's sooo painful and it certainly wakes me up in a shock :( and annoyingly its always about 5am!! x
Hey darl...apparently it is common in pregnancy but some of the explanations uve found arere : dehydration...wearing high heels n over straining the muscle...overly flat ones. apparently 5cm is Not nice is it. ru excited for ur sex scan n ur birthday??? xx
Oh very regularly. It's horrible. I either want to scream or cry. :( I've got paracetamol next to my bed now in case i'm in pain again. The annoying thing is though that if i stir, hubby stirs. Then when he falls back asleep, he snores and there is no chance of me getting back to sleep. :( xx
haha this has happened a few times (some of those before i was preggers) and OH just laughs at me! But i don't keep quiet for him...he has to wake up to help me and make sure i'm not being attacked!
Hey darl...apparently it is common in pregnancy but some of the explanations uve found arere : dehydration...wearing high heels n over straining the muscle...overly flat ones. apparently 5cm is Not nice is it. ru excited for ur sex scan n ur birthday??? xx

It may have been dehydration, I never wear heels so that's not an issue. I've had it before but seemed even worse last night and I couldnt reach where it hurt cos Pip got in the way! Lol!

Very excited about scan - only 4 more sleeps! I can count on one hand and have a spare finger! Lol! Just REALLY wanna know if Pip is a boy or girl

Will let u all know ASAP, but if I'm friends with anyone on facebook please don't say anythin! Will say again when i upload pic and let u all know.

Will be posting pic on Facebook and asking for guesses from people but can't say on there till the evening as not seeing my dad u til then. Dont want him finding out via Facebook!
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Ive had it every god dam night since about 12 weeks. It hurts and i find i have to flop out of bed and walk around to ease it... it happens about three times a night, i dont wear heels and drink loads so i dont know what causes it but it makes me want to cry :( Had pain in my belly last night every time i rolled over i know its stretching but it woke me up every time... I REALLY NEED SLEEP! xxx

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