Council V Private Renting - What would you do?


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2011
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Basically I have a two bed housing association flat but its a complete dump and not really fit to be lived in. The carpets are flea ridden and the place is a real mess. I made a terrible decision in swapping it for my one bed house but i was desperate for two rooms because of my son. Its going to cost £750-1k to decorate it and then £500 for carpets.

My question is would you fork out £1250-1500 (get in debt) to live in housing association property or just give it back and rent private.... Somewhere decent like a two bed house.

Im entitled to full HB at mo so it sont make a lot of difference as ill be entitled to max £650 towards propdrty. 2 bed flats range from £550-750 and houses £650-800
I'm in private rented hun and have been in private rented before, it has it's positives and it's negatives, do you have the £800ish for the deposit and 1 months rent up front? The experience depends on the landlord purely, in my first private rented house the landlord was awful, didn't do any of the repairs on time etc etc, where I am now the house is fantastic and the jobs get done x if you can fid a landlord on recommendation it might be a good idea? Xxx
I will have with my last months wages due at the end of the month.
Rent privately hun - not only are the houses in bette rnick (and any faults get repaired quicker) but you can choose the area you live in too.
Do the housing association not have to pay for up keep of the flat if it is not fit for living in? Surely if there are fleas you could get onto them to get someone in?
im in a one bed private rented flathve been fir 2 yrs n its fab.. looking to move in to a 2 bed but probs privately as all the 2 beds round here on council are in a dodgy area but also on the list. just gonna see wat comes firsrt xx
After living in private rented and now a housing association I feel much more secure having the housing association as my landlord. Being in private rented is generally a maximum 1 year rent contract (thats if your lucky) and the private landlord pops in every 3 months to check the house (something which I hated! because OH smokes and that is a big no no in private rented) you also have to ask if you can have a pet as generally a dog or cat isnt allowed.

It certainly isnt true that repairs get dealt with faster either by a private landlord, they are just as useless as housing associations and you really have to push to get anything done.

I would not give up my housing association house now for private rented at all after being in both situations I know I am far more secure long term here.

Good luck whatever you decide x
I would not give up on housing association they can't kick you out and you can actually refuse rent until the problem are sorted as I talked to ca about it before where as a pricey landlord you could stop their rent but after 2 months of no rent on a privet (and you may encounter the same problems) they are allowed to kick you out I would stay privet ask for problems to be fixed or a transfer of house and refuse rent till it has taken place you are under every right to do so until its fixed as its classes as "un fit living conditions"

Hope this helps x
I would take on the Housing Association to get the issues in your current property fixed rather than rent privately. You have so much more security, a private landlord could decide they want you out with a few months notice at any point, and you have no guarantee they'll be particularly good at maintaining that property. Whereas with Housing Association you *should* get maintenance issues sorted within a reasonable timescale. If you think your current place is seriously not fit to be lived in, get in touch with the local council and demand someone comes out to assess it for fitness for habitation, they can then insist the HA does something about it. If the carpets are actually flea ridden they will have to replace them or get the flea issue sorted, it's unacceptable and they have strict rules around that kind of thing.

I don't understand how you have the money to put down a deposit for private renting but would have to get into debt to smarten up your current place? If you have enough for the deposit, just be more frugal with sprucing up the current place (after it's been inspected if it's that bad!).
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It all depends on the landlord Tambo. We've been here for 4 years now (12 year initial contract then rolling month) landlord only checks up once a year too :p Still got my dog and birds.
My guinea pigs passed away first year in here and the 2nd visit he noticed them gone and said could get more if I wanted to but we thought not enought room really since I prefer keeping them indoors.

Needless to say out of the 3 landlords we've had over the years we only had 1 bad one. Rest have been great.
We rent privately (although we pay our own rent, not housing benefit) and honestly i think it's better if you can get a private let x
TBH I would never spend 1500 on a rental property, get the place assessed and the carpets should be replaced by the landlord.

Im about to let my house out and Id never expect my tenants to pay for new carpets unless they actually wrecked them themselves. General wear and tear is my responsibility. Tambo, you may hate the inspections, but as a landlord, I want to know if my house is being trashed, and you never can tell what people will get up to! Id literally be devastated if it got wrecked :(

and yes you can be kicked out of a place if you dont pay rent, cos the landlord wont be able to pay their mortgage and the house will be reposessed unless they show theyre taking appropriate legal action against the tennants. Either way a house that isnt paid for doesnt stay around for long!
I dunno what ur housing association is like but the one my friend lives in is great. Cheapest rent in my area can decorate and as it isn't private doesn't have to worry about moving. I personally would hate being in private, some places u can't decorate and if the landlord wants to sell up u have to move. I'm going to be made homeless in a few months and I'm terrified I will be put it a private place. If I'm in council I will be able to work if I'm in private il diet I'm ever be able to go back to work as rent is at least £1000 a month in my area for a tiny flat
Same I wouldn't pay that much to do up a house that isn't mine. I would rent privately personally, usually a better standard.
I personally would spend the money to stay where you are! Would it not cost you more to move anyway? To go into private renting you'd still need a deposit and month and half upfront?? it cost me £1995 to move :( although I get full housing benefit I still had to find the money for deposit x

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