Last Thursday I had a 'sweep' - Some of you may remember I was not effaced, my cervix only admitted 1 finger and baby was 3/5 engaged and stationed -2.
Well! Today I have my second sweep, but MW did say that last time she could only do a sweep because she could only admit one finger, so this week she will hopefully be able to admit 2 fingers and stretch and sweep the neck of my womb.
I met up yesterday with some ladies from my ante natal group for coffee, one of the ladies is same amount of days overdue as me and had her stretch and sweep before meeting for coffee. She said it really hurt and she practically had to scream at the midwife to stop. Her words have played on my mind tbh, and I didn't sleep much last night for worrying.
Last week I found the sweep uncomfortable, but not at all painful.
This week I have lost 3 blobs of plug and been very 'gooey' down there (everytime I wee and wipe I have increased discharge - sorry if TMI) I've been hoping all week that this means that my cervix has been stretching on it's own, which has caused the plug to come away (this is just my theory, I haven't actually read up on it - just kinda makes sense in my own mind) Also had real sharp pains in my vagina - sometimes it has felt like my bottom.
My appointment is 12.10 - I have heard that after a stretch and sweep it normally takes up to 48 hours to begin labour - but doesn't work for everyone.
I just feel quite nervous, having vaginal examinations are not the most pleasant of things and I can just about get my head around the uncomfortableness of the whole situation, I'm just slightly on edge that it will hurt so thought I would express my fears
Well! Today I have my second sweep, but MW did say that last time she could only do a sweep because she could only admit one finger, so this week she will hopefully be able to admit 2 fingers and stretch and sweep the neck of my womb.
I met up yesterday with some ladies from my ante natal group for coffee, one of the ladies is same amount of days overdue as me and had her stretch and sweep before meeting for coffee. She said it really hurt and she practically had to scream at the midwife to stop. Her words have played on my mind tbh, and I didn't sleep much last night for worrying.
Last week I found the sweep uncomfortable, but not at all painful.
This week I have lost 3 blobs of plug and been very 'gooey' down there (everytime I wee and wipe I have increased discharge - sorry if TMI) I've been hoping all week that this means that my cervix has been stretching on it's own, which has caused the plug to come away (this is just my theory, I haven't actually read up on it - just kinda makes sense in my own mind) Also had real sharp pains in my vagina - sometimes it has felt like my bottom.
My appointment is 12.10 - I have heard that after a stretch and sweep it normally takes up to 48 hours to begin labour - but doesn't work for everyone.
I just feel quite nervous, having vaginal examinations are not the most pleasant of things and I can just about get my head around the uncomfortableness of the whole situation, I'm just slightly on edge that it will hurt so thought I would express my fears