Could It Be Something Else?


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2007
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Apart From Pre-Eclampsia, What Else Can Be The Reason For Really Long,Bad Headaches During The Later Stage Of Pregnancy? Everytime I Type It In Google I Just Get "Pre-Eclampsia" But As My Blood Pressure Is Back To Normal & There Isnt a Trace Of Protein In My Urine Im Wondering Why Its Happening.

Funnily Enough My Headaches Have Become So Much Worse Since Seeing The Midwife Yesterday & Today :think: But It Cant Be Psycological Because Im Honestly Not Worrying Or Stressing About a Thing :? Im Really Chilled & Happy! The Headaches Last All Day & Make Me Feel Ill & Flu-Like.

Can Someone Shed Some Light On This Because Iv Been Told I Have To Ring The Hospital If I Get Bad Headaches,Flashing Lights,Swelling Or Heart Pains But I Really Dont Want To Go Down That Road Lol. The Midwife Will Be Coming Again In 6 Days So I Want To Hold On If Possible Unless Of Course This Is Serious.. But I Was Checked Today So Surely Its Ok? I Only Have The One Symptom & Thats The Headache - Nothing Else :)
Carly stop panicking babes!!! I had terrible headaches in later pregnancy that did honeslty turn out to be nothing! headahces can tun out to be nothing, they are caused by so many things - stress for example!

If you dont have lots of protein in your wee or High BP then very unlikely you have pre eclampsia - it may be a girl baby thing as its something I experienced with madam.

:hug: :hug: :hug:

Just take some paracetomol (if you can) and have kip when you get them
It could be dehydration? I get terrible headaches if I don't drink enough, and for the last few weeks I've needed to drink a lot more to keep from feeling thirsty!

I was gonna say stress too. Sometimes you don't even know your suffering from stress, but subconsiously (sp) you are :think: You have been worrying a lot lately hun :hug:
hiya carly...

you havent got pre-eclampsia.. if you did your bp would be high ie 140/90+ all the time.. a few readings in a row. you have to have protien in your urine and swelling, pre eclampsia is pregnancy high blood pressure and odema (swelling) and its dangerous as it can stop the placenta working.. however.. just having a headache.. which is very very common at this stage, think aobut what your body is doing? you have loads of extra blood pumping round, xmas is comming perhaps you are a little streed and dont realise.. and as angelblue said are you dehydrated? you do need extra fluid now as the baby replaces its water all the time and theres a lot of it now.. try increasing your fluid and dont be affraid to take paracetamol.. and rest.. if you have to spend all day in bed then go for it...
hope you feel better soon xx
Towards the end of my pregnancy i always had headaches and was being sick... i lived at the daily assessment centre... and nothing ever came of it.. just try to relax and make sure your eating and drinking enough :) :hug:
Headaches can be caused by a whole manner of problems other than high bp... If you google headaches and pregnancy they will bring up the most obvious issue which is pre eclampsia, but it does need to be accompanied by other symptoms.

You need to have high bp, protein in your urine... flashing lights and swelling... just having a headache is not a cause for concern... and is quite a normal pregnancy symptom...

If you are not drinking at least 2 litres of water a day in the final stages of pregnancy... there's a good chance you will get headaches.. Your baby is now peeing and drinking so much that your entire amniotic fluid is being replaced on an almost daily basis, and where is all that extra fluid coming from?... When your waters go, just remember that you were replenishing that water almost daily and you'll realise how important it was to drink :rotfl:

You have more blood running round your body now...and if you are dehydrated, it becomes thick... making it difficult to pass through the smaller veins in your brain, causing headaches...

Also eye strain... one thing I've noticed recently is that my eyes sting and awful lot for no reason... and it's been giving me headaches too...

If you are like me, and have woken up the past couple of days with a snuffly nose, you might have an issue with your sinuses and for anyone who has sinus problems, they will all agree the headaches produced from that can be horrific... and they will definitely make you feel flu like, even if you nose is not blocked.

And panicking... Don't ever google symptoms when you are worried about your health... it will make you worse.. :rotfl: I know.. i've done it too... :)
lisa&alex said:
pfft.. essay..

Lol :) x Thanks Everyone I Can Always Rely On You To Chill Me Out :D Great Advice My Mind It At Ease Now :hug: xxx Thank You :)
Carly ive had a constant headache for the past week or so, sometimes it goes really bad and other times its just there kinda in the background... painkillers dont get rid of it. Its kinda like the type I used to get when due on which is like the beginning of a migraine so im thinking its a hormonal headache possibly? :think:

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