Could pregnancy be possible


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2006
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Hi all
My partner and I had sex monday evening and my coil came out wednesday afternoon I know the coil doesnt prevent ovulation just implantation so is there a chance I could be pregnant from the sex when coil was in? I had alot of pregnancy type symptoms when coil was in and assumed this was due to hormones in coil as I have similar reacting to progesterone in the pill but since coil came out im still feeling sick and tired, and needing to pee lots but my bbs arnt as tender as they were.
I was bleeding when coil came out which became reasonably heavy until saturday so I am asuming its highly unlikely I got pregnant? :think:
My friend got caught pregnant with the coil, so its not impossible xxx
I had my coil out 3 months ago and the doctor said if I had had sex the day or two before, then I could indeed get pregnant.
Thanks for your replies, woke up feeling hungover (even though I havent had a drink in ages) sick and my bbs are sore if my coil only came out last wednesday and had sex on the monday before when would be the earliest I could test? I think it would be highly unlikely but need to put my mind at rest, especially as I have no idea when period will be.
Penstraze said:
Hi all
My partner and I had sex monday evening and my coil came out wednesday afternoon I know the coil doesnt prevent ovulation just implantation so is there a chance I could be pregnant from the sex when coil was in? I had alot of pregnancy type symptoms when coil was in and assumed this was due to hormones in coil as I have similar reacting to progesterone in the pill but since coil came out im still feeling sick and tired, and needing to pee lots but my bbs arnt as tender as they were.
I was bleeding when coil came out which became reasonably heavy until saturday so I am asuming its highly unlikely I got pregnant? :think:

Absolutely yes.. Semen can live in your body for 5 days, so as it was only 2 days, there is a high probability that you could get pregnant despite having the coil in. As you said it does not prevent ovulation or conception... only implantation which does not happen immediately but approximately 6 to 10 days after ovulation. So if your coil came out before those 6 to 10 days, it is possible to fall pregnant.

The only way to be sure is to test... but then you will need to wait as it is early days yet.
Thanks this was what I asumed but doctor only seemed to care that we hadnt had sex that day so made me wonder if it was me reading too much into it!

I had some pink spotting yesterday it wasnt like bleeding but very pink could this be implantation bleed or again am I reading too much into things? I take it testing this weekend would be too soon, it was a week yesterday since coil came out?
I gave in and tested tuesday cause have been feeling so sick this week and needing to pee LOADS to the point other people are commenting on it but test was BFN do you think it was too soon? Would have been nearly two weeks since coil came out when I tested :think:

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