could I be miscarrying again?


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2012
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had a natural miscarriage at 7 weeks back in November, then one normal cycle and was pregnant again - I am now 10w2d and am getting crampy af feelings, brown discharge and loss of symptoms!

I thought by 10 weeks I was getting to the safe zone, but now I fear not.

Are 2 miscarriages (if that is what this is) in a row like this just bad luck.......i already have my two children and never suffered any mc when ttc them. am I getting too old for this - will be 35 in June:eh:
Oh no I really hope its not. I never realised how common it was to have bleeding and cramps in early pregnancy and everything turn out ok until I joined the forum, but as you have been through a miscarriage already you will naturally fear the worst.

Fingers crossed for you hopefully its nothing to worry about.

Have you spoke to MW or EPU?

Hi Iwant3, just wanted to send you a big :hug: and let you know I am thinking about you. I hope everything is ok and that bubs is doing well xxx
Purplepixi - yes I have been to gp and have scan at epu booked for Monday (earliest I could be seen!)
Oh no Iwant3! Surely not again. So many people have this and things turn out fine. Only natural to be worried though.
Thinking of you xxx
No! You cant! I wont have it!! Just remember brown discharge is perfectly normal! The cramps might be you getting all stretchy inside? Fx its just a scare xxx
I hope not.

Cramping they say it normal but getting little sharp pains is to watch for.

Hopefully all will go well on Monday & its just some stretching.
They told me my 2 were probs down to ad luck and my age :-( I had no pains at all with my mmcs or bleeding slight brown spotting for a day with the first one , my body has a hard time realising the pregnancy as ended , I have everything crossed for u for Monday lovely xx
Hi hon, I have my fingers crossed for you!!

They always say if it is red blood and you are getting sharp pains then you should worry but as you have experienced a mc before it is normal to panic!!

Good luck for your scan Monday, thinking of you x
Hi Iwant3, how are you doing? I hope the bleeding has stopped and you are comfortable. Try to take it easy this weekend if you can. Thinking of you xxxxx
Everything ok overnight slept for 11 hours thanks to diazepam. Slight cramping and browm cm back after getting up snd moving about
Have my fx that everything is ok for you hun.

Michelle. x
I have everything crossed for you, awful you have to wait till monday for epu scan XX
oh hunni, I had this though and lots of bleeding brown discharge included i hope it is just the same as what i had which is a bleed in the womb but baby still safe...fingers crossed for monday for you and i am so hoping for the best for you x x x *big hugs*
Hi I want 3,
Hopefully you are not MC'ing again, but yes Id say it would just be bad luck.
I had my son no probs, then I had two MMC in a row. one i found out just before 12 wk scan and one at 9wks.
Then now I have made it to 18wks. I thought something was wrong but all tests said nothing was apart from low hormone levels due to my age and OH had lowish sperm count. They said it was just bad luck.
You know your body can do it.
Really hope this is not the end of this one for you. x
The brown cm has turned red now - it's like thick gloopy red stuff rather than thin red blood flow.....but this is what I had last time.

I had a bleed in the womb last time, and they said as it was bleeding out I had 50/50 chance of mc and the very next day after seeing the bean (measuring very small for dates) with hb - I mc.

If this is another bleed in the womb, I can't imagine it being any different and all my pg symptoms have vanished.

Also tmi, but I have a very low cervix most of the time, and with very clean fingers I had a feel and it is open - so it is really a matter of time I think.

My biggest fear on going to the loo is passing the fetus again and seeing it - which is what happend before and that image haunts me and this time if it grew a bit more then it will be even more recognisable as what it is!

I will update after my scan.
Oh hun. Tell them your worries at scan. Surely they can help you through passing things naturally if its bad news. Fx for you Xx

Tapatalking :-D Can't see tickers...
Oh no :-(
As you know, this happened to me twice - however, I also had bright red bleeding on three separate occasions with my little girl, so you really never know, she was born at 38 weeks. The bleeding was at 5, 8 and 12 weeks also with a loss of symptoms.
Try not to worry too much until your scan. Will be thinking of you and crossing my fingers that all is ok xx
i will - and if it means having an erpc then i think I will - just to prevent me from the agonising feeling of dread every time i visit the loo.

cramps coming in waves now, so worried that things could happen out of my control before I get to go to the hospital. :(
Hi sweet, I am sorry to be stalking you and I hope I dont upset you by posting in here - just worried about you (as are we all!). Please, if the pain is coming in waves like you say, cant you go to a&e? I can understand your fear and would it not help? I am sorry and I hope I dont upset you writing in here. XXXX

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