Convinced of failure.....


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2014
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brief history:
BFP No 1 was a surprise - MC at 10 weeks
BFP No 2 - MC at 7 weeks
BFP No 3 - MC at 6 weeks
BFP No 4 - MC at 8 weeks - no sign of sac at 6 week scan (progesterone pessary)
BFP No 5 - MC at 8 weeks - empty sac at 6 week scan (progesterone pessary)
BFP No 6....

It's been 5 days since my BFP and I' convinced I'll miscarry. I was nauseous all day yesterday until around 5pm and with a splitting headache. I have been using the Freedom tests from Asda each morning and the line seems to be getting stronger. Today, the only symptoms I'm having are mild cramps.

Do you think this is my body fighting against the cyclogest (progesterone) and trying to have AF? On my last attempt at pregnancy I had blood tests every two days. My Hcg was going up but not as fast as they thought it should, hence the empty sac at the 6 week scan.

What do people think. Other than a handstand with legs crossed is there anything else I can do to help prevent MC. I'm taking 5mg of Folic Acid every morning and avoiding all the stuff I should avoid...
Have you spoken to your doctor? What about progesterone meds if you think your body is fighting against it?

I can't imagine how you must be feeling but after so many miscarriages there must be something they can do to help.

We're all here if you need a chat/moan. Also don't over think your symptoms. I only had af type cramps from the day I found out until about 6 weeks when nausea kicked in.
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I've no experience but I wanted to say I'll be thinking of you and have my fingers crossed for your sticky bean x
Thank you ladies... I am using progesterone pesarys twice a day but after the past two attempts it just seems to help me hold on to the nothing that's there. I end up at the six week scan staring at an empty uterus/sac. I suppose I'm just looking for some hope... And obvs feeling a bit down today.
Hi Squemers just wanted to say stay hopeful, I have had two MMC's at 11weeks with single pregnancy & 10 weeks with twins and we had seen heartbeats at 8 weeks so I know how crap & heartbreaking it is to look at the ultrasound and see no hb. But this is a new pregnancy, a new chance and I am sending u so much sticky baby bean dust that this is your take home baby, try your best to push any scary thoughts out of your head xx
Thank you ladies... I have to say I don't feel pregnant at all anymore. By boobs are no longer tender, I'm getting no nausea, I do have some cramping and the line in this mornings test was defo fainter....I'll keep plodding along and see what happens at the scan on the 14th.

I feel like if I stay negative I won't be too disappointed and if there is something there it'll be a pleasant surprise.

The only pregnancy symptom I am getting is the constant need to burst into tears!
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Sorry to read of all your mc. Must have been awful.

Do you know how many weeks you are ATM? I think I'm around 3-4 and barely have any symptoms compared to last week. Iv read tho that they come and go.

Sending you cyber hugs x
4 weeks and 4 days today so it's early. I'm glad to hear that they may come and go...we'll just have to wait and see.
I don't have any advice about preventing miscarriages I'm afraid, but I do want to say that cramping is normal around the time your period is due. I had terrible cramps and back ache with both pregnancies. I really do hope that this is your time. My cousin had lots of miscarriages but went on to have 2 healthy little boys, so the law of averages states that some embryos have to be viable! Everything crossed for you x
Hi, hope you are feeling better! I agree with someone who said new pregnancy, new month, new day, its all you different now. Everything happens for a reason. (I dont mean the suffering, but would you rather end up with happy, healthy baby or born with abnormalities... They say there is nothing you can do to prevent mc, if it happens it was not you doin or not doing something.) i really hope this time its a healthy happy 9 month and beyond. It will happen and all will be good! Xx
Sorry to read of all your mc. Must have been awful.

Do you know how many weeks you are ATM? I think I'm around 3-4 and barely have any symptoms compared to last week. Iv read tho that they come and go.

Sending you cyber hugs x

Going from your other posts I think you're nearly 6 weeks. Be prepared - 6 weeks is when the sickness hits most people :)
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I'm so confused with my dates, did a clear blue digi yesterday and got 2-3 weeks. Just can't seem to get my head around it.
The digis are always two weeks behind. When was the first day of your last period?
You said in your other thread that your last period was 23rd May - they count from the first day of your last period so you'll be 6 weeks tomorrow. The clearblue digi counts from day of ovulation.
things I tried after my 3rd miscarriage was, taking extra vit D, extra folic acid, and low dose aspirin on top of my usual pregnancy vits! I took these from my last miscarriage so they were already in my system when I got my bfp 5 cycles later - that last bfp is now 15 months old :)
I'm taking 5mg of Folic Acid but will try the other two, thank you
Don't have any words of wisdom but just wanted to wish you well & say I have my fingers crossed for you! Staying positive is the best thing you can do x
Yeah I know 6 weeks of I go on last period, but I know I didn't ov til around 9th so that's why I don't get it. How can i be 6 weeks when I def wasn't preg until after ov??

Anyway sorry didn't mean to hijack ur thread with my silly confusion.

Hope ur feeling better today x
Yeah I know 6 weeks of I go on last period, but I know I didn't ov til around 9th so that's why I don't get it. How can i be 6 weeks when I def wasn't preg until after ov??

Anyway sorry didn't mean to hijack ur thread with my silly confusion.

Hope ur feeling better today x

Because the doctors add on 2 weeks, hence why your pregnancy is 40 weeks but baby is full term at 38 weeks.

They only go by your last period until you have your 12 week scan as dates can be off. I know it's confusing thinking why do they go by last period if you're not pregnant for those two weeks but it's just how it works lol.

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