Hi loz,
Ive only just seen this but if i recall i replied to ur last post, well all i can say is stick with it Hun! because it can work and very quickly if you stick to it..
My DD was about 5 and half months and had co-slept with me from birth and only EVER fell asleep from the breast! No dummy, no rocking, no pram, just me!
and to be honest as it neared time for me to go back too work (her being 6months) i had to do something about it, not only for the sake of my mum having to look after her but i wanted a bit of bloomin space and a good nights sleep!
The first time i tried i gave in very quickly couldn't cope with the crying..
Left it about a week and tried again... we extented the amount of time we left her crying starting at 5 mins and then 7, then 9 ect but no longer than 20mins in one stretch, on each occasion just went into her room picked her shh'd her with a cuddle then when she was calm put her straight bk in (she would start again before i even put her down) but then i just walked out closed the door, i did sit on the top of the stairs but i think this made me worse as i very nearly gave in again! My OH had to take over as i sat crying.. and wasn't coping very well.. BUT it worked in just under an hour she was fast asleep!! and she slept through until 6am!!!
it felt like a miracle..
The following night it took less than 20mins i honestly believe she just realised there was no point as we were not going to get her out no matter how much fuss she made and may as well go sleep.
I must add though that i applied the same routine to her daytime naps, i stayed in for a week to ensure that we did this.
We never had a problem again, i often heard her in the night or early morning chattering away to herself, then go back sleep (she had a motion sensor mobile that lit up on the celing) i think this helped, but finally my little girl could settle herself to sleep! and it felt great...for me anyway no longer a human dummy!!
She was 2 in July and bedtime has never been an issue, she loves it! and even tells me when shes ready, i have her in with me when shes poorly, but that is purely for my peace of mind, but she always goes back i her own bed without any fuss whens shes better!
Good Luck Hun
i know how difficult it is but you will be so suprised with the results if you can stick to it. 
Ive only just seen this but if i recall i replied to ur last post, well all i can say is stick with it Hun! because it can work and very quickly if you stick to it..
My DD was about 5 and half months and had co-slept with me from birth and only EVER fell asleep from the breast! No dummy, no rocking, no pram, just me!

The first time i tried i gave in very quickly couldn't cope with the crying..
Left it about a week and tried again... we extented the amount of time we left her crying starting at 5 mins and then 7, then 9 ect but no longer than 20mins in one stretch, on each occasion just went into her room picked her shh'd her with a cuddle then when she was calm put her straight bk in (she would start again before i even put her down) but then i just walked out closed the door, i did sit on the top of the stairs but i think this made me worse as i very nearly gave in again! My OH had to take over as i sat crying.. and wasn't coping very well.. BUT it worked in just under an hour she was fast asleep!! and she slept through until 6am!!!

The following night it took less than 20mins i honestly believe she just realised there was no point as we were not going to get her out no matter how much fuss she made and may as well go sleep.
I must add though that i applied the same routine to her daytime naps, i stayed in for a week to ensure that we did this.
We never had a problem again, i often heard her in the night or early morning chattering away to herself, then go back sleep (she had a motion sensor mobile that lit up on the celing) i think this helped, but finally my little girl could settle herself to sleep! and it felt great...for me anyway no longer a human dummy!!

She was 2 in July and bedtime has never been an issue, she loves it! and even tells me when shes ready, i have her in with me when shes poorly, but that is purely for my peace of mind, but she always goes back i her own bed without any fuss whens shes better!
Good Luck Hun