Contraception! Any thoughts?!


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2013
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I must sound mad, but I've been thinking about what contraception to use following baby's arrival? Appreciating dtd is probably off the table for a while anyway whilst healing, I had assumed I'd use something like the implant as we have no plans for any more LOs so can't be faffed with the pill every day (and therefore I would probably forget, and have a baby shock at some point!) but I'm in my early 30s now and am not sure if I'm actually knocking on a bit for hormonal contraception.....

I'm not fond of the idea of OH having the snip either.

Hate the idea of the coil, but might be worth a shot. Anyone tried it? What's everyone else doing/done? Xx
I was on Depo but had to come off it as they wouldn't let me continue with it after 4 years because of future family planning. These babies will be our last so I will be going back to Depo. It was so easy, no pills to remember and it stopped my periods which was a massive bonus for me. X
This is something ive been thinking about also. I was on the depo before ttc and we endee up ttc for about 3 years and im convinced it played apart. thinkng maybe the pill or something incase shortly after we decide we want another. We might not but would rather the option xx
I'm going to have the implant again. I had mine out at the end of September because it needed to be changed after 3 years. So I went on the pill to get my periods back as I hadn't had a regular cycle since having and breastfeeding my daughter who's 3. Then found out I was pregnant in November, so the I won't be having the pill again.

I will stick with the implant xx
I had the implant 3 times so for about 7 years in the end, was very effective at ensuring I didn't become pregnant (I'm very forgetful with daily pills), however I found it really affected me hormonaly I got a quite depressed and ended up having it taken out early, as the more I read about it the more I found out it can really affect your moods etc. I'm not a depressive person at all, was so not like me and as soon as I got it taken out I was right as rain and have never had a problem since. Personally I would avoid the implant like the plague, but I know everybody reacts differently to different things. I'd recommend doing a bit of research on it.
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I was on the depo for 12 mths after my first and it caused me a year of ttc, it did stop periods after 6 mths, injection every 12 weeks but its progesterone only and so my skin turned into a teanage lads !!

No experiance but Ive heard horror storys about the coil and don 't fancy the string dangling inside !!

Im unstable with the pill!! Very sensitive to hormone changes so I think we will have to go back to nasty condoms or abstinence ! Happy for hubby to have the snip tho, ive done it before so its his turn as we are very much complete as a family,i think I really think I would die by having more surgery, but totally agree tho for anyone else, minds can change over time.
I think we're going to have to go back to condoms or the coil, I'm so sensitive to hormones that the implant had me off work several times after I had to squat behind the bar and wasn't able to stand up because of the stomach cramps. I was also on the pill for 3 years, had a break for a few months and then tried to go back on the same brand - I suddenly started having an awful reaction to it and started vomiting blood and getting stomach cramps which were even worse than the ones from my implant. I was in A+E after an emergency doctors appointment so now I'm too terrified to try it again or even try a different brand. :/
I'm finding the coil a really daunting prospect though, I don't know anyone who's had it and been side effect free and I've heard horror stories of it moving or even imbedding itself. :O
I wish I coped better with hormones but my body just won't cooperate. :( My OH having the snip is an absolute no go, we're only in our early 20's so it'll just have to be condoms I think!
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My oh is having the snip as he is in his mid 30s and this is absolutely our last child
My oh is having the snip as he is in his mid 30s and this is absolutely our last child

I wish my oh would have the snip. He thinks it's laughable when we talk about it. He's one of seven brothers so he thinks it would make him less of a man ..... But also his brothers would take the mick.

My friends husband had it done and ended up with a serious blood clot, so he throws all these excuses at me.

He forgets I'm 10 years younger then him to so I've plenty of time to build my own football team. (I wouldn't I just say that to try and make him do it) xxx
This is our first baby, I know my body needs to heal and the Dr has actually said its best to wait at least 3-4 months before using any hormonal contraception so it'll be condoms for us as I don't want to be pregnant straight after having our boy. I had the depo a long while ago and it messed my body up so badly, I've been on the pill and don't like it...I was thinking the patch or even a different type of pill not sure if I'm honest I'd prefer using condoms more often but my oh does hate them said he can't feel an awful lot using them but will use them as he doesn't want me pregnant so soon either gotta heal up xx
I remember reading or hearing somewhere that either the hospital or mw will ask about this so it's good to think about it early.
I was in the pill for 15 years and it worked incredibly well for me. Only slight issue is that it makes it hard for me to loose weight, which I want to do quite soon after baby arrives. When I came off the pill to Ttc I wasnt big but lost half a stone without really trying. I've put on a couple of stone being Preggo and want rid so I'm loathe to go back on the pill straight away but I also don't want another baby so might have to suck it up and work extra hard. In the gym!!
Hmmm, lots of options but I'm erring back towards implant again....... had it once before but only for a year before we were married and the problem is I can't really remember if I had any side effects etc......Hubby is really keen for the snip actually but I'm not up for the idea. I don't like the idea of messing with those bits to be honest, be they mine or his! This will absolutely be our last child but I can't help think of it in terms of what if something happened to me (after all, life can be cruel and we've seen it happen to others sadly :( ) and then he remarried and wanted to grow the family with that person etc.....

Definitely can't get my head around the idea of a coil either!! Makes me want to cross my legs! x
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Hi Louise. I do contraception clinics (which makes for a bit of a laugh atm!), and fit implants and coils. I've tried all my wares too and without doubt, best experience and satisfaction stats come from the new coils. Getsomeone to show you what they look like, as most people automatically think of a metal spring (and want to cross legs!).

The new ones with progesterone tend to give you little if any bleeding and have very little hormone in, the new one jaydess is a tiny device that fits beautifully easily when you've just had a baby. If you Google jaydess and mirena you should find the websites with more info.

Implants can be a good option post baby too as still very small amount of hormone, but I end up taking about a third back out within the first year due to ladies not liking the bleeding pattern or tell me they're moody. Personally I became totally evil when it was in, felt really angry all the time!

Good luck, its never too early to think about contraception! I'll be having a mirena after this one :)
The coil isn't an option here this time as we want to conceive again not too long after this baby. Took me six months off the pill to conceive this time, so will probably go back on cerazette for a little while in between, as neither of us are fans of condoms. It's not a big deal if we conceive a while before we plan to either, so as I'll be exclusively breastfeeding we might not use any contraception before my periods return - and depending of how long that takes we might not need any at all.
Hi Louise. I do contraception clinics (which makes for a bit of a laugh atm!), and fit implants and coils. I've tried all my wares too and without doubt, best experience and satisfaction stats come from the new coils. Getsomeone to show you what they look like, as most people automatically think of a metal spring (and want to cross legs!).

The new ones with progesterone tend to give you little if any bleeding and have very little hormone in, the new one jaydess is a tiny device that fits beautifully easily when you've just had a baby. If you Google jaydess and mirena you should find the websites with more info.

Implants can be a good option post baby too as still very small amount of hormone, but I end up taking about a third back out within the first year due to ladies not liking the bleeding pattern or tell me they're moody. Personally I became totally evil when it was in, felt really angry all the time!

Good luck, its never too early to think about contraception! I'll be having a mirena after this one :)

Oooh thanks, that's interesting!! Love the idea of very little bleeding I must confess!! How soon post-baby can they (the new coils you mention) generally be fitted? You're probably going to be bombarded with questions now ;)
Just a quick thing to keep in mind ladies if your planning on breast feeding you can only have mini pill, coil or injection.
Cerazette is ok while BFing, it's like a mini pill but with a bit more slack when it comes to timing :)
I am thinking about the mini pill if I can bf and if not the coil because I would like to keep my endo under control till we want to ttc for number 2 then he is going for the snip or I am get a hysterectomy after baby number 2 xx
I can't take hormonal contraception so no experience of them due to family cancers so condoms again for us. The hv actually asked me about contraception on her home visit, we do want another, but I want to try after ive had my 30th so baby will be around 2.5 x
I know the implant is fine when breastfeeding, it's what I had with my daughter whilst I was feeding her for 13 months x

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