Consultant appt today and i got an inducion date


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2011
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hi girls

had my consultant review today and they was supposed to be examining me to see if i was "favourable" as the doctor said last week!! well i got to consultants other doc today who said she woulb be happy to do a sweep with an induction date for a week over!! but wud check with consultant :) she came back to me and said he didnt wat me to have the sweep but to be booked in for induction on
FRIDAY :yay:so excited, but scared all at the same time :dance:

just gotta ring at 7:30 am to make sure there is a bed and fx go in at 8 to be started xx
YAY so Friday it is :)

It is going to be amazing xxxxs
Good luck hun, hope LO makes an appearance before Friday though xxx
Yay great news :) by the end of the weekend you'll have your lo - how exciting!
This is so exciting, hun. Fingers crossed it all goes well. I'll be thinking of you on Friday - keep us updated - who's your bump buddy? xx
Woo! Exciting!!

Sorry if I've missed something, but as you're not yet overdue (just looking at your ticker), how come they are inducing you? With 12 days left myself, I'm super curious!!
Fx for your induction date- here's hoping a weekend baby for you!!!
Woo! Exciting!!

Sorry if I've missed something, but as you're not yet overdue (just looking at your ticker), how come they are inducing you? With 12 days left myself, I'm super curious!!

its because im always under consultant care, due to growth and this time around my waters have been up and down quite a lot and i had a c-section first time around

was due for a sweep today!! but the doctor who felt my tummy before sweep said baby was already nice n low and when she measured me she only got 33weeks!! so dont think she wanted to sweep me until she spoke to my consultant who agreed just to induce me on my dd as everything was going ok and because of my history!! i only was allowed 5 days over with my first before induction and 2nd one came on time anyway :) xx

tbh i have a really good consultant too and he dont like to mess around would rather get you in and started if you have history with things, not that im complaining :) xxx
YAY so Friday it is :)

It is going to be amazing xxxxs

haha it sure is, i hope ur ready for the updates :) unless lo makes an appearance before and would'nt be so surprised with all the stress today has brought xxxx
This is so exciting, hun. Fingers crossed it all goes well. I'll be thinking of you on Friday - keep us updated - who's your bump buddy? xx

Bellariven is my lovely bump buddy so she wil be updating for me fx they have a bed available :) xx
Whoop that's fab!! Enjoy your last few days and hope it's a speedy delivery for you xx
How exciting! Hope everything goes well, looking forward to your updates!
Wow Lyndsey, can't believe you're going to have your baby! How exciting!!! Hope all goes smoothly for you, can't wait to thread stalk! Good luck!
yay hunni so looks like it wont be long then x x x

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