
Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2017
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Before getting pregnant I had all these grand plans that I would just stick to my regular, pretty healthy diet, maybe adding a little more in the third trimester.

Well, then the nausea hit and absolutely the ONLY thing that keeps it somewhat at bay is eating every 2 hours or so. And there is only a limited range of foods I can stomach right now. Lots of potato based things.

But the thing that is driving me crazy is that I seem to be constantly hungry. I eat my lunch and after an hour or so my stomach starts grumbling. If I wait another hour the nausea will gradually kick in.

It's crazy, I feel like an eating machine and I hate it. I am already putting on weight and most of the time I am not eating because I want to eat but because my body is demanding it. It's making me a little miserable and I shudder to think about all the weight I am putting on. :(
this week ive been feeling the same, hungry after eating an hour ago.
ive been wondering myself if this is normal
Yeah, it's so weird. I know the eating for two thing is a myth, especially in the first trimester. But it's as if the food I eat just isn't filling me up. I looked at myself in the mirror today after getting out of the shower and felt really bad because I can see I've already put on weight.
ive noticed I looked bloated all the time and I'm only 5 weeks
Same, absolutely. I guess we're in the same boat.
Same here. I seem to be ok at home but at work I snack like there is no tomorrow. I stocked my drawers up with fruit and nuts and crackers x
I felt exactly the same for the first 12 weeks and I put on nearly a stone, and I was overweight to begin with! I’m now nearly 17 weeks and the weight gain has slowed down because the nausea is better and although I still get hungry quite quickly I have more energy to prepare some healthy snacks and do a little exercise. Don’t worry too much, try your best to eat well but do what you need to in the first trimester, you can concentrate on your diet and exercise in the second trimester and enjoy growing a baby bump.
I'm the complete opposite I have completely lost my appetite, I loook at food and feel yuck lol.

I hate the Tate of water .. I am losing weight .. it's visible on my face and I hate it ..
When I was pregnant with my first I was exactly the same. I ended up putting on about 5 stone over my pregnancy. :(

My son is now 15 months and I'm still a stone heavier but I don't look bad. :)

I'd say half of the extra weight came off with no effort in the first few months so don't worry too much.
I just wanted to pop by and say 4-6 weeks I was bloated and felt huge, I couldn't do my jeans up and was cursing the extra 5lbs on the scales. Then last week, morning sickness hit big time. I'm 9 weeks now, and the bloat has gone down, and I'm 4lbs down on where I started!!! I'd trade the bloat for the sickness in an instant. Don't punish yourself too much. I found dried fruits, nuts and seeds an easy 'grazing' snack to keep on my desk.
Thanks for the encouraging words everyone. I figure I don't have any other choice anyway, unless I want to feel horrible nausea I have to eat. So I am listening to body and baby and doing what I need to do. :)
Hopefully the second trimester can be a healthier one.

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