confussed need to know


New Member
Sep 13, 2011
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Hi guys
I am new here but I just needed to write down what has been going on as I feel that I am getting on my husbands nerves!!

Since the 2nd Sep I have been suffering severe stomach cramps, nausea, heartburn (twice), extrem tiredness and since the last week needing to go to the loo more

On Sunday I went to the loo and there was some light red blood when I wiped, I thouhgt it was my period, but this wasnt due until 12/09, I have also been going to the toilet a lot lately no sooner have I been I am going again!!! The bleeding hasnt been consistant, for instance last night I didnt bleed at all it just seems to be intermitant blood. Some times its darkish blood and other times its light red and runny

I took a test last Thursday and it was negative but I dont know if I should take another one and when the best time would be

I am so confused!! Please advise
If your period wasn't due till 12th and you took a test last week it was probably too early to get an accurate result. Try testing again chick.

Good luck and welcome to the forum :love: xx
Hi Ragdoll and welcome to PF.

Do you know if/when you OV'd? How many DPO are you? If AF hasnt shown up i would test again, good luck and hope you get your BFP soon xxx
Hi both

I don't understand what OV'd, AF & BFP are??? Sorry

My husband said to test tomorrow, but I don't know if I am just throwing money down the drain!! I haven't bled at all since 19:00hr so maybe that's a good sign :0/ I did however this morning have a really strong matalic taste and a sharp stabbing pain in my lower abdomen area!!!!

Why does this have to be some complicated I hated second guessing!!!

Looking forward to further advise
OV is ovulate. Af is aunt flo, bfp is big fat positive x

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My OV day was 28 Aug
I am going to do a test tomorrow so I'll let you all know the score
That would make you 18DPO (days past ovulation) so a pregnancy test should be accurate now. Good luck and I look forward to reading your result xx
Cheers guys. Still unsure what the light bleeding was earlier this week I'm hoping it was implantation bleeding
Head is all over the place!!!

Fingers crossed for a result that will put me at ease
Hopefully you're right and you've had implantation, will be keeping my FX for your BFP. :)

P.S. Welcome to the forums! :wave:


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