confused? would anyone else be??


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2011
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ok according to the first day of my last period I am 10 weeks today! BUT! I had an early scan on monday which put me back to 7 weeks. if I never had the scan myself and the midwives would still assume I was 10 weeks but because baby is measuring smaller I go by that.

I know it's pretty straight forward but It seems so strange that Im so behind my dates, anyone else had this. I feel like I don't exactly know how far along i am x
It could have taken 2 weeks for LO to implant, and don't forget that all babies grow at different rates, esp in the first few weeks.

I wouldn't worry too much x

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I was put back nearly 2 weeks at an early scan too. The scan was correct when I went for my 12 week scan. I'm guessing this would have been a slightly longer cycle and bean took its time to implant x
I was adamant that my dates were correct but when i had my first scan they actually put me forward 9 days so what I thought was my period must have been implantation bleeding (But it was like a normally period for me!). I have tried to work out what i conceived but it hurts my brain too much so I have given up and just going with what the scan showed!
thanks ladies, guess I'll just go with what the baby measured then. can't wait for the 12 week scan so I know for sure x
Go with ten weeks! Then when u have ur 12 weeks scan if it's smaller they will call u back for another! Bonus!
your dating scan will be alot more accurate x
Could be implant timing, you never know when you have you 12 week scan you may measure up
hun had a early dating scan today cause of more spotting. and the dated me back another two days again. so im 11+1 now but totally know where your coming from with the confusion! i still confused lol but glad your bubs is all ok :) roll on your 12week scan :) xxx
I'd go with the scan as it's the most accurate way to tell.
I had no idea, but my scan put me forward a week from what I'd thought, which meant I was actually pregnant when I had my last period - not sure how that works! x
Thanks ladies. going for a 3rd early scan Thursday now :( had a bit of blood in my urine today so they said to come in xx

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