Any one else not know there due date?


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2011
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I am going for a scan on Sept 15th to find out my due date but I have no clue how far along I am! I have PCOS and my periods were more or less non existent! Is anyone else in the same boat? I know I only have to wait two weeks to find out but its driving me insane not knowing!! Please tell me I am not the only one!!

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might be able to give you a rough idea, do you know when you ovulated? when did you take your pregnancy test? did you do a clearblue digi at all? xx
Ha at last someone else as confused as I am......I have no idea when I am due and am having a dating scan early this week at some point. I've had cysts too and after 10 years off the pill gave up monitoring my periods, altho I was a regular 28 day cycle I can't for the life of me remember when my last one was. I know I've missed at least one which makes me minimum 8 weeks (I think lol)
Am so happy for you :dance: the pain of having cysts is so intense, they've put me in hospital a few times through bursting and all I got was "well we can egg harvest if we have to remove them" but the thought of ivf put me off completely and so I stopped trying to conceive. Mother Nature sots us out in the end I suppose :) xxxxxxxx
I took a clear blue digital test on 13th August and it came up 3+. But I haven't had a period since February so its really hard to work out ovulation etc. I had a blood test end of May to confirm my PCOS so I defo wasn't preggo then. Must of been between June and July.

Good luck at the scan! Wish mine was this week I'm not liking this waiting around! lol
even with a fairly normal cycle my scan showed a weeks difference to what my due date should have been according to my lmp
I was like that. I too have PCO and didn't have the foggiest idea when I was due until I had my early scan. That dated me at exactly 8 weeks.

When is ur scan? xx
My scans on 15th September! Seems like ages away though! Just want it to hurry up so I can know
If your desperate and have the spare cash you can always go private before then, although it's not too long to wait! We had a private scan as hubby was going to be away for the nhs one, I was about 9 weeks at the time and it cost £55.
I'm surprised they are leaving you so long to be honest, my gp said he wants one done quick because they start looking for downs syndrome etc at 12 weeks. Maybe you could ring your ultra sound department, burst into tears and beg for an earlier one?
I would look at booking an earlier scan privately if u can afford it. I wouldn't want to wait that long to find out how far gone I was. Its so uncertain until u have a due date.

Fingers crossed for u hun xx
I'm the same I have no idea and my scan is on 12th its driving me mad not knowing my midwife put my down as being 11weeks now but my bump looks like im a lot further on. It's not long till 15th I wouldn't worry too much
I was in that boat last year, as I have PCOS too and I ever had none or one period a year.
When I eventually had my scan I was already just under 10 weeks.
They estimated my due date to be 6th August 2010 but I actually had my daughter 6th July 2010.
I think the dates were slightly wrong as nearer the end I got very big and everything seemed to fit a bit better if my due date was slightly earlier (:bd:lol)
I was thinking of going private but its like £100+! Unless anyone knows anywhere that is slightly cheaper? Think I will just have hope that the next 8 days fly by lol

Thanks for all the advice everyone! Glad I got you lot to ask questions to it really helps! :)
Where did you get that price from? I paid £90 for mine yesterday but have seen others on here lots cheaper. In our town though they seem to think everyone's loaded and we aren't lol
I was thinking of going private but its like £100+! Unless anyone knows anywhere that is slightly cheaper? Think I will just have hope that the next 8 days fly by lol

Thanks for all the advice everyone! Glad I got you lot to ask questions to it really helps! :)

dont know where u live but try life through the lense its in stoke and about 55 quid

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