Confused about something in my notes!


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2011
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"Summary of key indicators sheet"

Maternal warnings related to current pregnancy
High blood pressure
Mental health concerns
Social concerns

What does this mean?

The blood pressure thing is fine, mine is always a little high.

However I am very concerned about the other two things?

The rest of my notes so I am low risk pregnancy and am planning to go to Birthing centre...I am shared care between MW and GP.

I have no mental health problems :shock: :shock:

Also the other thing is in my notes I am down as "never smoked" however I gave up nearly a year ago???

I'm not back for another month BUT I don't want to be on the system as someone with social issues and mental health concerns????

Hmmm have you ever suffered panic attacks, depression or anxiety?
I haven't a clue about the social reasons or what they could be x
Hmmm have you ever suffered panic attacks, depression or anxiety?
I haven't a clue about the social reasons or what they could be x

Nope - nothing like that - ever!

She asked if I was under the care of mental health team - No. She asked me how my mood was and if I'd been feeling depressed - mood good, no depression!

That was it.

Yet notes say what I wrote above? It's under the heading 'Maternal warning for current pregnancy'?

There is also the following:
"Alerts in force at time of printing" - there is nothing under that heading and

"Obsetric History Warnings related to previous pregnancies" Under this heading it says:
No history of chicken pox / previous chicken pox infection
High blood pressure

I have never had a previous pregnanacy as such and I have never had chicken pox - I had bloods taken today to see if I have natural immunity!



I'll call them on Monday I think.
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Definitely sounds a bit odd considering what you said, and worth querying!

I haven't seen midwife yet, did yours ask about history of mental health issues at all, or was it literally all based on your current state of mind?

Have they given you someone else's sheet? (happens a lot, believe me) x
I think you have the wrong notes there, believe me it can happen...
Every sheet (including this one) has my name, address, hospital number etc.

It def isn't wrong paperwork!! It is the wrong information though!

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All mc will be reffered to as pregnancies, but def query that stuff right away! X
how strange i would defo ring up monday n ask wth thats about xx
id say maybe its due to your previous history with pregnancy but defo clarify x
Hey hon, I'm high risk and will be seeing a consultant at 34 weeks cos of miscarriage history, it's probably just the same as that for you.
The mental health issues could be anything really, or a misunderstanding xx
How can I have high blood pressure in previous pregnancies when I never got as far as to see a GP (so never had my BP taken to be recorded).

Plus the noted mention I have had a previous chicken pox infection when I have never had CP and I got sent for bloods to check my immunity today?

Reading through the notes again "maternal warnings" could mean things they had to warn me about?? Or things they are worried could pose a problem

Mental health / social concerns though?? I am just not sure what theHell it even means!!

Grrrr.... Nothing is ever bloody simple is it?

It sounds like they just have completly wrong info so try not to worry, I'm sure it will be ok to clear it with the mw x
Just seen this hun, how odd. But dont worry it could just be a mixup xx doctors do alot of assuming regarding ,mental state
Enquire about this first thing monday morning hun. If you have never suffered with mental health issues in the past or had any dealings with social services then you want to know " WHY" this is in your notes & also where they got this kind of information from.

I was thinking whether they had got this info from your GP but if you say this has never happened then get on to them first thing monday morning. For now i would not worry about it - it's just paper work that can be easily erased.

thats very strange defo ask them why they have got this info down x
hey hun, i have been put as having mental health issues on my notes which is a bit of an unfortunate title but just means that I've suffered from panic attacks in the past. the way it reads you would expect them to be sectioning me any time soon! it does sound odd if you've never suffered from anything like that though. x
Thanks ladies,

I'll call them Monday, I think I must have the wrong end of the stick though....

My first page of notes ("booking history questions") has all the correct info (IE no history of mental health issues, no invovlement with social services, does not require any help from social services, no feelings of depression)

I'll still query the other page though???

Sorry I must seem so paranoid :shock:

It's just I have zero history of mental illness, in any shape or form. The only thing I have been to my GP about as an adult has been contraception / smear / pregnancy related!! Oh and I did go about a sore knee once :lol:

I don't mean to be disrespectful to people who have mental health problems... I just want my notes correct!!

On the upside they were happy at this stage to let me be shared care MW + GP and I am provisionally able to use the birthing sweet as I am currently a low risk pregnancy - which is good!!

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"Summary of key indicators sheet"

Maternal warnings related to current pregnancy
High blood pressure
Mental health concerns
Social concerns

I was just wondering - are the notes typed or hand written?
If it is typed then it could just be that this section is there as a prompt for the health care provider to make sure that you are monitored/ supported if you do have any of these 'risk factors' which they can get from the rest of your notes.
I know that with a lot of NHS paperwork they have everything on there as an option even if most of it isn't relevant

Still worth checking out but try not to let it worry you too much.XX
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