concerned about luteal phase


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2011
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Hi girls

i think i can assume after having another bfn today that its just a matter of waiting for af to arrive.

the problem is i think my luteal phase is too long?
i ovulated on either cd 17 or cd 19, and my cycles have been 36-37days in total, so this would make my luteal phase a minimum of 17 days but isnt it meant to be like 14 days/15days max??

would really appreciate some advice

thanks xxxx

I was really worried about my L phase also, I even went out and bought some b6 as was convinced it was going to be short but it was 16 days! Like you (as im a total worrier) i searched the web to see if long L phases was a prob and I think it is (but couldnt find much info about it) but only if its a really really long phase. Im sure 17 is ok and it can change a day either way each cycle so yours might be 16 this month (if that horid witch does show) and mine 17 so we are the same really.

I would also be interested to get confirmation that its defo ok aswell hun though :~) x
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yeh all the websites just say that the average number is 14 they dont seem to say anything else.

Iv read that the average is 14-16 and that it can very a day or two so i am sure 17 is fine. I will do some more searching now and see what I can find.....or we could message Star and find out for sure when she come online?! :) x

I looked it up and there is not a lot of info on it, mostly on a shorter LP. I can't imagine it would be a prob cos it gives plenty of time for bubs to implant and then if it did implant it would no longer be a LP, you would be pregnant! Does that make sense? it does in my head but hard to write it down :shock: xx
Hi Hun sorry its a bfn :( best of luck for this month hunni.

About your long lutal phase, you can only have a long lutal phase when your periods are long, so we have to focus on making your cycles shorter yeah ?

What ( Lisey) has said is true, there really is no bad in having a longer lutal phase only short, cause onec your pregnant your pregnant, does that make sence.

What is important is knowing ( WHEN ) you ovulate when having long cycles.

Evening primrose is good for starting AF & Green Tea i tried it this month again when i was a bit late & following day i come on my AF. Hot bath is good to bring on af too cause it makes the blood vessels in your uterus flow & can trigger the start of a late period ( worth trying ) Agnus cactnus brings Long menstrual cycles shorter BUT if your suffering from long cycles then you need to see your gp.

They can give you estrogen pills or birth control to help but cause your ttc they might give you a tablet to skip your period for a month then when it does arrive again they will shorter.

Long time ago now, i had 37 day cycle's, my gp give me a tablet to start af they did make me feel sick but it worked & then he give me a tablet to skip my AF for a month & when i had another bleed the month after it went to 28 insted of 37.

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Im using opk's and temperature charting ro work out when ovulating.

yeh i guess it makes sense i was just worried as all the websites seem to suggest LP should be 14/15 days so was a bit worried.

do you think taking vitamin B affects it?

Im wondering if my long cycles are due to coming off pill in july, so maybe after this 3rd cycle theyl start to shorten, but will defo consider ur suggestions if they dont

thanks girls youve really helped me :) less worried that im a freak now lol xxxx
Hi Hun.
Yes they say your lutal phase should be between 12/14 days anything less is consided a short lutal phase. Anything over is GOOD!! How can i explain this .... The day you ovulate yeah ? well your way over the normal 14 day lutal phase yeah ? ( which is good ) cause you dont have a short lutal phase. So there is plenty of time for your embryo to implant. So cause your having a long cycle you dont have any problems with your lutal phase. Does that make sence. If you have a long cycle then theres plenty of time for your embryo to implant so there is no problem with your lutal phase. It would only be a problem if your cycles was really short.

Vit B can help to lengthen your cycles IF you have a short lutal phase.

I prob would suggest using EPO ( evening primrose oil ) that would help bring AF. Or Green tea & agnus catnus is supposed to help too. xxx
ahhhh (ping, penny has dropped) what i thought was a bad thing is atually good lol not so worried now then lol Thanks star. prob is this means our cycles may not match up now :(

just annoying coz i gotta wait longer than 2 weeks grrr so i guess i may stil be in with a chance then as imassuming my tesco test isnt going to wrok untiol my af is late which is sunday/monday....ttc proper screws with you doesnt it! xxxx
I did read somewhere about long luteal phases possibly being a sign of a luteal cyst but I think they have to be really long for that.

I think 17 days is perfectly fine and like Star says better longer than shorter :)

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