

Well-Known Member
May 20, 2006
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I have been wondering weather or not to post this for ages, how many people compairs their kids, i look at all the spetmeber babies from last yr and they are all doing so much better than Alastair, i mean i know he lost alot of weight when he was ill but all the other babies are doing so much better than him, even the ones who came early are nearly the same weight as him :)

do u think he is ok???
Aww hun :hug:

All babies are different, one baby that crawls early might not be so fast to talk. When they are all older everything is the same, trust me. :)
silly mummy, he is fine! Alistair will develop in his own time, just enjoy the little munchkin! :hug:
course he is fine hun.
Louie isn't even on solids yet, so i certainly wouldn't worry.
people compare too much, theres this girl that i barely know & have spoken to her like 3 times, anyway she had her baby 5 wks after Louie was born & every time i see her she asks how much Louie weighs & hers (sharn't name her!!)
always weighs more!!

how sad. i saw her at a kids party & i was feeding louie with one of those mini 5 oz bottles & she said, oh how much milk is in ther? & i said 5 oz & she was like well mines on 7 oz :wall: :wall:
good for you love. she does my head in, its not like shes even a friend :wall:

you're doing great, sorry to ramble-bad day!!!
It's really hard not to compare isn't it? The mums at my baby group all say their babies are starting to take interest in them eating but Leorah only gets excited when she sees my boob or I get the pump out so I think she's happy on her milk :lol:

I also have a book that says what babies hould be doing and when and it says that in the next month Leorah should be rolling over. I just can't see it! She can roll sometimes when she's in her sleeping bag but thats because it makes her into a little barrel!

I have made a decision to not compare leorah to other babies, i know she's special and that's what counts :shakehead:
Sophie I agree with what the others have already said, I too was worry about the slow weight gain but I know Otis happy and health and eats well (he hasn't been weened as yet a probably won't be until he's around 6months), presently he weighs 13lbs 14.5oz (birth weight 7lbs 1oz - also born in september) all the other babies seem to be gaining weight much quicker or is it me!
Personally I think you've got a healthy and happy baby, okay so he may have lost some weight but he's not any worse for it, is he? Like others have already said no two babies develop the same, your baby is unquie and will do things in his own way! :hug:
god yes hun Im forever thinking OMG noone elses baby cries this much and i bet no one elses baby screams when they get dressed, and they probably dont i just happen to have a son who loves being naked and gets extremely mad when your dressing him, its hard not to compare and when people are forever saying mine does this mine does that its hard im the worlds worst, my son is happy and sleeps throught the night he eats solids etc, but can i bloody dress him can i fook he howls can i leave the room ATM without him crying as if his whole world has ended i cant at all and its hard each baby is different darlin and ill develop and grow at their own paces, its just a rollercoaster for us all. :hug: Alastair is gorgeous
thanks for ur replys ladies, i know im just being daft slap me :D

Daggers ur right all the other babies from september are putting on weight faster, Alastair only weighs 12lb 4oz, but i do he is eating and i know he is happy so i shoudl stop being silly :hug: :hug:
You reassured me with my similar worries so let me return the favour!

It's so difficult to avoid comparison and worry is natural. Evryone seems to comment on Stanley's size and he has a couple of friends born the same time who are still lovely little poppets.

However, the healthcare professionals aren't concerned and he seems happy and content so I'll go along with that.

Lets just enjoy our little men, and stop fretting!
urchin said:
Aww hun :hug:

All babies are different, one baby that crawls early might not be so fast to talk. When they are all older everything is the same, trust me. :)

i quite agree - i never worry about when my kids are potty trained, thumbless or sitting or crawling etc becasue at the ned of the day they will all be doing the same when they are 5 :)

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