Hate people and their thoughtless comments


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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Just removed some comments made by one of hubbys long distance relatives on a pic of josh. She was compairing his size to her friends babies (twins). Saying josh was big and that her friends babies were 12lb each at 6 months old. Yes josh is a chunka at 18lb 2.5lbs at 5 months. But he is a happy and healthy chunka that is growing steadily and well. Every baby is different. Every baby grows at their own rate. Why do people feel the need to compare? I love my boy more then anything in this world and would not have him any other way!xx
plus twins are often prem or small and carry on being slim or small for a while unless theyre chunkily built to start with lol
I haven't had L weighed lately but I'm sure he's not far off and we're both short. SIlly people.
James is 15 weeks and weighs 17lb 1oz your baby is happy and healthy!!! Twins are usually prem any way ignore their nastiness hun

stupid mare.....i saw your fb and was just about to message you and ask you if you were okay xx
She wasn't being intentionally nasty. Just couldn't see the reasoning to put the comments she did? Hubby has now removed her from his friends list. The only reason she could comment was because I tagged him in the pic. She wasn't a friend of mine. Quite a few of his family have said that this person makes such stupid comments.xx
Tyler's 18lb9!!! He sounds perfect! Urgh she needs to do one!

I had someone comment on a pic of Max and say he looks like a potatoe!!!

What is wrong with people???!!! Xxxx
How can anyone compare the size of twins to a single child? Honestly some people do make me laugh, cos you have to laugh at the ridiculous sometimes!
People who need to make snide comments about other people (or their babies) in order to feel better themselves are just pathetic losers as far as I'm concerned, and not even worth the effort it takes to get upset about them. Try not to let their nastiness get to you - your little boy is gorgeous!

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