Anyone else...


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
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Have an older baby that has never really gained a lot of weight? Jake was only 1?lbs 6oz today and he is 33 weeks, he eats 3 meals and has 4 bottles of milk a day, sometimes the odd snack, HV said it was fine for him and wasn't worried but I still worry and lots of you have babies that weigh this much or more and they are younger than Jake, do you think he is ok?
people come in all different shapes and sizes and so do babies. im 6ft tall and always weighed quite heavy. were a solid family as i dont look anywhere near as big as i weigh. my oh is really skinny and only 9 and a half stone tho he is almost as tall as me. as long as hes eating and happy and active then i dont think there is anything to worry about hun. my babys huge and was when she was born so if she suddenly went skinny id worry
I think there's lots more than weight to judge how well a baby's doing. If he's alert, happy and active, then I'd say he's doing ok. If he has remained on the same percentile line and not lost lots of weight all of a sudden, I would expect he is at the right weight for him. I guess it's just having the confidence to know our own babies - if he's as happy and alert as he's always been, then he's doing okay! :)
Thanks ladies, he is happy and alert, crawling all over the place now all day, I guess I worry that maybe he isn't getting enough lol but he never seems to be looking for more, not yet anyway, guess I am just b eing silly xxx
Not silly - it's really hard because they cant tell us, so it's worrying for us to know we are giving them enough. But I always think if LO is not getting enough nutrition then they will be lethargic and not alert (like i am when I'm hungry or on a. Diet! )
when alyssa was a few days old she was really sleepy and hard to keep awake, she had urates in her nappy and was practically comatose by 5 or 6 days which is why i started giving her formula as well as breast feeding. id say if your lo has plenty of energy then hes getting enough food :)
hey, my lo eats practically the same as me and is only 17lbs. Still in the first car seat. she is just really really active!!
My LO has never gained much weight was 8lb 1 at birth now 21lb at 20 months. Try not to worry xx
Aww don't worry about other peoples babies and their weights, as long as Jake hasn't lost any weight its fine! Think of him like an adult- some can eat so much crap n stay light and others put on weight just by looking at a cake.. Were l different n so are babies :) xxx
Thanks everyone, wish I could eat all I want and not gain much lol
That would b good wouldn't it?!
Am sure ur little man is fine hun! Enjoy not having a heavy lump to lift and carry! Lol! Xx

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