Colleens induction story (read with caution, it wasn't the best experience)


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2014
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So I started off with the propess, my back waters went at 3am and I started having contractions from then on...

I was moved to delivery suite at lunchtime ish where they broke my front waters and I had dilated to 4cm

I started with gas and air as the contractions were very intense, they started the drip after a few hours as I was dilating slower than they liked and baby was becoming a bit distressed.

I got to 7cm and started shaking uncontrollably, They rushed in drs and midwives and my temp had shot up to 39 degrees so I had gotten an infection.

They decided to rush me into theatre for a section and they put me to sleep as they wanted baby out quickly.

When I woke up they told me I had lost 1.8litres of blood and had to have a massive transfusion.

All night they struggled to get my observations under control, blood pressure was very low, pulse was to high, temp was to high.... They poked and prodded me with needles all night, pumped fluids into me and finally at 9am ish I started to improve slowly.

As the day has progressed ive started to feel much better and ive even managed to get out of bed and breast feed Isaac, he has an infection to so were both on antibiotics and have to stay in for a few days.

So it all ended well in the end but it has traumatised me to say the least :/
I didnt want to put it on here but my induction was more or less just as bad only i managed a forceps delivery and got a spinal. I hope you are ok once you are home it will be better for you. Sounds like yours was worse than mine I just keep thinking at least baby is here and im on the mend xx
Sorry to hear that you had such a rough time :(
It doesn't sound pleasant at all and such a shame that you both have to stay in :(

On another note, congratulations! Xx
Sorry to hear you had a rough time, but big congratulations on baby issac! Rest and relax and enjoy your baby boy xx
Sorry to hear how awful it was hun, hope u cam slowly start to get in the mend now n I'm sure u n Isaac will b home before u know it.

Oh Colleen, you poor thing. It sounds very traumatic and stressful, I hope you recover well. Thank god you're both ok and have pulled through to the other side x
What a rough ride :-( however huge congratulations on your little
That sounds awful. Glad you and baby are on the mend. Thinking of you both. Xx
Oh god colleen no wonder u are traumatised by it. Be good to yourself now and let people help u and you just enjoy your baby cuddles. That's all I have done after my emergency section is look after me and Amy. My OH and my mum have took control of everything else so take people up on their offers hun xx
Thanks everyone... Yeah dolly I agree im taking all the help i can get, it's so painful but I'm managing to get about, I thought sooner I get up and about the sooner me and Isaac can get home! He's pulled through his infection so well they reckon it's because he's a big 9lbs of baby so he's quite robust, Hope your well xxx
Colleen, glad to hear you're both ok and wish you a quick recovery. Hopefully you and the little one won't be in too long - congratulations! x
Oh no poor you :( it really is a trauma - I had a similar awful experience with pessary induction. I hyper-reacted to it in the end they had to rush in and whip it out then my baby got distressed on the drip and I too had to have an emergency c-section, lost loads of blood and had a double transfusion. I recovered really well but couldn't b/feed properly maybe due to the shock? Anyway I am due to have my second baby soon and it states clearly in my notes -not for induction of labour! - it's either a natural birth or c-section for me this time hopefully it will be much less of a code red situation and more like a 'normal' birth x I went back to speak to my consultant and supervisor of midwifes about it all as it played on my mind a bit - but they weren't to know I'd react that way and intervention suits some ladies. It hasn't stopped me going for another one! xx
Hugs Hun, that's not the best experience but at least your both on the mend now and will hopefully go home soonish xxxx
Sorry you had such a traumatic experience Colleen but glad you and baby are doing ok, big hugs xxx
Sorry to hear things went rough. I had a rough labour with my first too.

It gets easier over time ro deal with the shock of a traumatic labour. But if you feel it's eatinf you up. Speak out to the healthcare team around you. Midwifes, HVs etc.

Get lots of rest and glad to hear your both on the mend - be it slowly. X
Sorry to hear it was so rough for you buy so happy to think you and your little one are having cuddles now. Lots of love xxx
Oh dear sounds awful. Glad to hear little isaac is getting better. Wishing you a speedy recovery! Congratulations tho enjoy your little one xx
Aw gosh hun im so sorry it ended up that way :(
Glad hes here safe and sound and i hope your both home soon!!! Xxxx
Take all your pain relief and no lifting except a cup of tea and baby. I know how u feel about wanting home I was told I was in till the Monday but they decided we could leave on the Sunday. Wow 9lbs that's a fab weight and will of stood him well with the infection.

I am good letting everyone fuss over me and enjoying Amy xx

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