Collecting Pram ??


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2010
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I know this mat seem a bit silly but I have been thinking about collecting my car seat and pram however I have always heard that if you bring your pram home before the baby it is very bad luck. I would like to collect my pram and take it to my mums just to have in case, I think this should be okay but just a bit scared?? I am very superstitious (and I cant spell that word - pregnancy loss of sense lol) :dance:
think your ok aslong as you wheels dont come into your own house x
I am not superstitious at all and believe that if something was going to happen it would happen regardless of whether I have the pram in the house, cot up, nursery prepared etc and we've had our pram and car seat since 16 weeks.

If you truly believe in the superstitions then by all means take it to your mums house.
we picked ours up last week and took it to my nans house coz of the superstition lol x
I would get the pram and practise assembling :)

Some of them take a bit of getting used too, and to attach all the parts takes time :)
My pram stayed at my grandads house till i went into hospital with my first, but with the 2nd i was using the same pram and was in the house through the whole pregnancy, with this one the pram has been in the house a total of 2 weeks, nursery all set up and car seat been here for about 2 weeks too. I agree with Helen123 if its gonna happen it will, dont think having the pram in the house makes any difference!
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it doesnt relly bother me but my mum and nan are supersticious so keep them happy lol
My pram is at my MILs at the moment but they are bringing it up when I'll be 34 weeks. They live 4 hours away so we can't just ask them to pop round with it when the baby arrives!
i have mine in my flat but along with the cot none of it will be put together untill i go into hosp i just dont want to see it all done incase things go tits up
Mines only up my mums cos we have no room for it at mine!! If your worried then take it up your mums but I dint believe in all the superstitions!
mines been here since i was 3 months gone.. x
i collected mine when i was 24 weeks, i had ordered it and thats when it had arrived into the shop,

like others have said, im not superstitious and if something is / was going to happen i wouldnt blame it on having the babys room set up, car seat in the house or pram set up,

and i agree with skimpy - its meant both me n hubby know how to set it up and fold down and what all the bits do on it and dont look stupid on our first outing (like we did with our niece a few months ago) lol

Finished paying it today and will collect next Thursday !! Will take to mums as I only thought at this stage I have no where to put it. We are in the middle of sorting out the nursery, throwing out all the spare room junk then we have to strip the paper and then paint so really it will be better there out of the way in the meantime! Everytime I go into the shop and see it I get sooooo excited!!! xx
I took mine to my brother's house but the car seat is in my house. :p I have very superstitious family.
I am really superstitious and have never heard about the pram thing. I have mine at home already! What a nightmare. I suppose if I didn't know anything about it then what was I supposed to do. Really shocked I didn't hear about this before. Going to have to berry my head when it comes to this superstition. Can't do much else now. It's in the conservatory. Thats not the house now is it!!
Go with your nans house if your undecided Hun

I was given a good from birth stroller , and that's unfortunately been up in my bedroom for that last 4 weeks or so. So Im not worried, I would rather see and know what Iv'e got and play.
My friend that gave it too me brought it for hers when he was two, I'm still not sure about using it from birth, I really wanted a new one this time, with my health in preg grant, but it's wasteful If people have stuff for me- my sister has one for me to look at later been in her garage for 2 years , so we will see what that's like, so may have that here too later
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