Cold- not eating


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2014
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Morning girls

My 18m old daughter has a cold. She's had it for over a week now and im worried as shes not eating.

She's usually a brilliant eater but this last week has been awful. She's having lots of water and milk and the last two days I've put her onto formula to try and get some extra vitamins into her.

I'm going to call the hv tomorrow although she's a bit useless

Should I be doing anything else? She's super twisty and unhappy. She's had some calpol and lots of cuddles but I can tell she's starting to lose a bit of weight.

She's usually a fab eater but she's very petite and at 18m only just gone into 12-18m clothes so I can tell thay shes beginning to lose weight
Is there no teeth bothering her too? My little one always got cold like symptoms along with a temp whilst teething and especially the fangs and molars are quite awful compared to the front ones. Paracetamol doesn't do much for inflammation, better off with ibuprofen x

Mine are completely off their food with colds atm, they're so miserable and it's just horrid. I offer them little and often so even if they're eating every hour then at least they're eating. Any weight they lose initially will be water weight but you're doing the right thing by getting in touch with hv.

Thanks for the replies. Lo developed a rash over the weekend and I spoke to hv who said it sounded like a post viral rash and thankfully it's subsided tonight

She'd not eaten a thing the past few days but thankfully she's started to today so fingers crossed she's on the up. I'm so lucky she's never ill, this is only her 2nd ever cold but it's been awful

And no it's not been teething related, I had a feel and there doesn't seem to be anythjnf imminent
My 18 month old has just got a cold and not eating much at all. She is usually a super eater so I know she must be poorly. I reckon she might be teething too. Poor thing coughed herself to sleep.

I'm glad your LO is finally on the up - gives me hope!
Aw rooster I hope she's soon.

I think it was Wednesday this week my lo suddenly wanted a huge breakfast and had a big day of eating and now she's back to normal. They know how to make you worry
Thats what exactly what DD does when she has a cold. She eats next to nothing and just drinks lots of milk. She always goes skinny looking but as soon as she feels better she eats non stop for a day and then goes back to normal.
Felix is just the same at the moment so I totally feel your pain, he's not eaten in 3 days.
All you can do is keep offering her things through the day, and when she's ready she'll eat, the formula will be keeping her going so she won't starve.
Felix does this regularly so now I've learned not to worry too much as when he's better he makes up for it and eats well xo

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