Coffee & Sushi during pregnancy?


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2011
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I could really eat some sushi but before sending fiance to the shop i was wondering if it is allowed or is it one of the strictly forbidden foods? :(

I also love a cup of coffee every afternoon and morning!. I cant live without my caffeine!. Im trying to carry on as normal as i can as i have no sickness or anything i feel completely normal!, most people probably hate me now ive said that!:lol:

I keep getting the odd burning sensation in my stomach but that just might mean im hungry and i need to eat!. Im only 5 weeks and 4 days pregnant today.

So, has anyone eaten sushi and drank coffee during pregnancy and been absolutely fine?:)
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in my local sainsburys they do a vegetable sushi box, no fish. I had it today and it was really nice. Dunno about the fish sushi though. I love that too.x
sushi id say a definate no no due to it containing raw fish,

coffee on the other hand i havent been able to give up at all, i have about 4 small cups a day and the recomended is only 2!
About 3 mugs of coffee a day is apparently ok but after that is considered not good for the baby. And raw fish is a definite no no according to my baby book from the midwife as its a high risk of salmonella which is very dangerous pregnant or not tbh.
Personally I would stay well away from raw fish and I've switched to decaff. xxxxxxx
I used to be exactly the same with coffee. Think you're supposed to limit your intake to about 200mg a day. They say not to worry if you occasionally have more because the risks are quite small, but the risks are usually low birth weight and in some cases, miscarriage. It's also in chocolate and coke and other things as well. I was proper paranoid in tri1 and I literally obeyed every little thing lol. My OH switched my normal coffee for decaff and I didnt even notice tastes the same to me so you could try that? Normal instand coffee has about 100mg of caffeine in one mug. xx
If you can get the sushi without raw fish you'd be fine. - if you can get something like Rachy said then you'd be ok. xxx
You can eat sushi from the supermarket with raw fish - I think it says on the NHS website. I have had it quite a few times. Because supermarket bought Sushi has been frozen it kills any listeria.

I've also had the odd cafinated coffee, although I do always try to have decaf but the odd cafeine one will be fine.
From the NHS website:

It's usually safe to eat sushi and other dishes made with raw fish when you're pregnant. However, depending on what fish the sushi is made from, you may need to make sure that it’s been frozen first.
Sushi made with raw fish

Occasionally, raw fish such as salmon contains small parasitic worms, such as anisakid worms, which can make you ill. These worms can cause health problems in people if they eat raw or undercooked fish infected with them.
Infection with these worms results in a condition known as anisakiasis (or anisakidosis). Symptoms include:
  • severe abdominal pain
  • nausea
  • other gastrointestinal symptoms, including abnormal tissue growth (lesions) in the stomach or intestine
The disease is unpleasant and painful, and in very rare cases can be fatal. Eating fish contaminated with anisakid worms can also cause an allergic reaction.
Freezing raw fish kills any worms that may be present and makes it safe to eat.
Sushi made with cured fish

Some fish used to make sushi, such as smoked salmon, doesn't need to be frozen before it's used because smoking kills any worms in the fish. Other methods, such as salting or pickling, are also used to make raw fish safe to eat.
Sushi made with shellfish

A lot of sushi contains shellfish such as:
  • shrimps
  • prawns
  • crab
  • scallops
When you’re pregnant, you should only eat cooked shellfish. Raw shellfish can contain harmful viruses and bacteria that can cause food poisoning. For more information, see Can I eat shellfish during pregnancy?
If you eat sushi prepared in a restaurant, ask if the shellfish in it has been cooked.
Sushi from shops and restaurants

Sushi that is sold in shops or restaurants, whether ready made or made in the shop, should be safe to eat. Food safety regulations require shops and restaurants to freeze raw fish used to make sushi at -20C for at least 24 hours.
Homemade sushi

If you make your own sushi at home, freeze the fish for at least 24 hours before using it.
Thank you for that, that was very helpful!. I think ill steer clear and stick to veggie sushi to make sure :) X
I'm a veggie and don't eat meat or fish so can't advise on the sushi but with the coffee, i have one cup of caffinated coffee each morning and drink decaff tea a couple of times a day. If i go out for a coffee i always get decaff as they can be quite strong in coffee shops.
My mum drank cup after cup of coffee with me and my brother and we're fine, but the guidelines are much clearer these days!
Most sushi you get from supermarkets isn't raw except for the salmon one, so just avoid the salmon one in those packs I'd say. Coffee, I'd cut down or maybe get decaf. I was ok on that front myself because I couldn't stomach coffee so I didn't want any. Sushi was a craving though which was annoying but I just got the store bought ones and let my fiance eat the salmon one.

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