

May 29, 2006
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I am 13 weeks pregnant and keep getting headaches.

I first thought it was due to caffeine as I switched to De-Caf in preparation for pregnancy. I only got the headaches when someone made me a cup of normal coffee or tea at work.. Been off today and had no tea or coffee..

Any ideas as I don't really like taking pills though I know paracetamol is supposed to be OK.

Thanks Bev
i know what you mean with the headaches bev. Its a sort of fuzzy headache isn't it - sort of sinusy :(
im afraid i never found any relief from this but it did pass along with the sickness and tiredness and other lovely symtoms. My mum told me to suck something like mentholyptus or something but i couldn't stomach them at the time. perhaps you could try that :)
Hi Bev,

I had really bad headaches up til around 16 weeks, then I had another yeasterday. I'm hoping they're not returning as my midwife told me they are hormone related, & theres nowt you can do about them!! :cry:

You can take paracetamol, although I didn't as I prefered not to - its bloody hard though when you feel crappy every day!!

Good luck, hopefully they will pass soon.
i got headaches but they have started to go away now..they were mostly in early pregnancy, you can get cold pads to put on your head to soothe headaches and 4head is good too..you just roll it on your temples.

I think its kind of like general PG sickness from hormone changes and blood circulation going much quicker and more to the baby now..it should start to clear up later on when your body gets used to the change. try to take it easy and rest when neccesary and make sure you drink lots cause 95% of headaches are from dehydration.

hope this helps
cas xxxx
ditto for me, use to get headaches all the time during the first trimester and the beginning half of the second, thankfully that has now gone but as one symptom goes another comes :doh: !
I suffered from headaches up until about 15 weeks although still get them occasionally now. I find placing a bag of frozen peas on the back of my neck wrapped in a towel really helped. I also get my hubby to rub my temples and give me a sort of fake indian head massage (hell its the least they can do when your carrying their baby :wink: ). I suffer with chronic arthritis and I take paracetamol everyday out of necessity as I cant take my regular drugs and the docs told me that is perfectly ok so I'm sure the odd dose for a headache wont hurt you hun. Hope you feel better soon.

I still get headaches, had one for the last week at the mo, nearly constantly :(

You can take paracetamol but so far I've only taken two. I know it's horrible and even though you drink gallons of water a day and night, it doesn't shift.
Must definately be the hormones, hopefully they'll settle down soon :pray:

Take care

Bev x x
i had really bad migranes nearly everyday but they have really settled down now
Hi bless you hope your feeling a bit better i used to get really bad headaches in first tri, it was horrible would have it all day and night and i remember my worst one i had it all day and when i got home i was just so tired and sick off it and i ended up crying cause everything was thumping in my head my OH carried me to bed i had to cry myself asleep it was horrible thank god that is over i onkly get little ones now
Thanks a lot for all your replies.. I had a sneaky suspicion I would not be the only one.. In fact I nearly whacked my hubby the other day when he made the fatal mistake of saying 'You're only pregnant!'

If men had to do this they would be under a duvet moaning each day!

I'm 15 weeks now and still getting headaches. i've found the 'rub on' treatment called '4Head' really works. it's just a menthol natural thing which is safe to use during pregnancy.
it gives you a really cool feeling on your forehead which is quite soothing.

i got mine over the counter at Boots.

hope it helps.
take care
:doh: I've got loads more headaches since I've been pregnant too. The only advice I can give is take paracetemol, take a nap if pos and I use tiger balm on my temples which helps too. I think hormones are the main reason for them. Mine were worst at 3months! Hope your ok chick!

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