CM - lots of it!


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2005
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I've noticed that I've had a lot of creamy CM yesterday and today after going to the loo, is this normal in early pregnancy?
Hi Bagpuss

I have had lots more CM since becoming PG - time to worry is when it is causing offence, lol!!!!

Are you still enjoying being PG - have you had any of the dreaded sickness symptoms yet - min e have began to ease a little now, phewy!!

Phew, that's all right then.

I would have loved this much CM when I was TTC!

I'm feeling OK. Very tired and only feeling a tiny bit nauseus. Do feel very anxious about getting through the early weeks safely though.

How many weeks are you now?
Hi Bagpuss,

First of all,Congrats on yr pregnancy.
Did u have an increase in CM before you missed yr AF?
I am having quite a bit of CM lately but its chunky....................
Does it sound good.............Could it be a sign?
Hi Mrs G,

I've just replied to your post on the TTC forum.

It's hard to say isn't it but what I would say is if you're having symptoms that are different to your usual symptoms on the run up to your AF then you never know...

It's perhaps too early to test yet but give it a couple more days and perhaps use an early detection test.

Are you charting your temp at all?
Hi Bagpuss,

Thanx for the reply.I'll test sometime next week incase AF does not turn up by then.
Yes,i am charting my temp for the past few mths and its staying high.No drop in temp till now.Hope it stays that way only...............
That's a good sign then with your temps.

Mine dipped last Tuesday and I had spotting (brown discharge), it went back up the following day and then dipped on the next two days consecutively, still well above the coverline but I really thought my AF was on her way. Then my temp shot back up.

I really hope it's good news for you.
hi bagpuss i noticed lots of cm just after finding out i was pg kept rushing to the loo feeling very wet and thinking i must be bleeding but lucky enough was only cm lol went back to normal at around 7/8 weeks
Hi Rach,

That's exactly how I'm feeling, keep going to the loo to check. It's such a worrying time isn't it, this early in a pregnancy.

I like your new ticker - very posh.
I know exactly how you feel. I was constantly running to the loo before I got my positive as I thought AF had shown her ugly face!!

Mine isn't that bad now tho.

Are you having any morning sickness? Mine is so bad now! :cry: I have to lie away in my bed for about 30min before I even attempt to move. :( I am feeling really sicky until about 3pm everyday and then I feel fine. Expect from 3pm onwards I get windy and burp constantly :oops: it's so embarrasing!!

S. xx
Bagpuss17 said:
I like your new ticker - very posh.

good isnt it i noticed 2 other on here with it and had to have it :D :D :D
hope your feeling well bagpuss hun xxxx
Hi everyone....I am only on CD 19 but I am having quite abit of creamy-like CM. Last month I did not have this. I miscarried 3 months ago and have actually been quite dry since then. This month is so different. my boobs have been hurting over a week now too. Probably clutching at straws. Is it right that if you get creamy CM after OV that it could be a sign of pregnancy........ any information would be reassuring for me....thanks.
Hope all is well for you Bagpuss.

Love Jacqui.
Hi Jacqui,

Glad you are well, follow the link below it has an accurate list of early pregnancy symptoms:

Mine were sore nipples, peeing a lot and spots normally reserved for the week after my AF. I still didn't think I was pg at that point though.

The last couple of days and today I've had a lot of creamy CM, didn't have this before my AF was due though only after it was due.

Fingers crossed for you!

How long are your cycles normally?
Hi Bagpuss,

This mrng i noticed my temp rose by another 0.1 degrees.It's been the highest in the last 4 months.Never had it before.Did anyone else's temp rose instead of dipping.Today was my 10 DPO.

Waiting to see my temp tomorrow morning.
My sister still hasn't received her AF due on the 30th of the month, Now says yesterday and today she has had bad cramping and keeps having to go to the bathroom to check and see if she is bleeding because she feels "wet" down there. Says she seems to have a lot of creamy moucous TMI sorry. No other symptoms to say. Two preg, test came out negative. What are your thoughts.
Hi Mrs G,

Just posted my chart to the fertility friend gallery so you can view it there if you like
These are the keywords in case somebody else has added one after me
Keywords: No Eggwhite CM | Late Ovulation | Using OPK | Implantation Spotting | No Meds | Age: 30 | Months TTC: 6

Hi Lgibson,

Is your sisters AF late now or is it due anyday? Some women produce the pregnancy hormone early and others not until their period is due. It's so difficult because the symptoms are virtually the same. If she has lots of CM and she doesn't normally have it at this stage of her cycle you never's best to try and leave it a couple of days before doing another test.

Is she using the early detection tests?
Hi Bagpuss
My cycles are all over the place....last time i got pregnant my cycles were every 26 days. since miscarriage they have been all over the place....between 19 and 23 days, so not sure what is happening right now. Have got teenage spots though this
I will have to wait and do a test in about 5 days and that will be an early test.
Glad to hear you are well, you sound a lot happier now Bagpuss.

All my love Jacqui.

Mrs does sound very positive for you....will keep my fingers crossed that you get a BFP.
Hi Bagpuss,

Thanx for the link.Atleast now i know its not something abnormal............. :lol:

Hi Jacqui,

Thanx.I have been trying desperately for the past 1 year now.I just hope i get a + this month.

I have no other symptom apart from triphasic curve,which only has a probability of 50%.I usually get sore boobs about a week to 10 days post ovulation.But this time ..............dont feel anything.My AF is due on 15th. :(
Hi Bagpuss,

Thanks for the link.My temp stayed up today also.So,i think i am having a triphasic curve this month.Never had it b4 tho.Keeping my fingers crossed.

Hi jacquidube,

Thanks for the good wishes.
Sending loads of baby dust your way#################
Hope its our month.

I was over 8 days late before I got a positive on my tests. And even then it was really faint.

Good luck to your sister!

S. xx

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