Cloth nappies


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2011
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If im honest - i never really thought about using cloth nappies - just assumed id go down the disposable route - but after reading some of the threads on here, im quite intreguied.

What made you guys decide to go down the cloth route?

How do you decided what type to use?? - ive had a wee nosey roiund the internet - but to be honest i think im more confused than when i started.

I think i'd like something quick and easy - i think the ones that go on similar to a disposable would be more likely to go down ok with DH - than ones that he has to fold.

Also we dont have a tumble drier ( and absolutely no space to put one) - so how easy are they to line dry - that bit concerns me a wee bit - especially with the amount of rain we get in the north of scotland.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

im so glad you posted this! i posted earlier as i want to make the switch from disposable to cloth! xx
lets hope there's a nappy expert on here ready to share all their wisdom.
I got a few samples to try through the cloth nappy scheme in our area, but still unsure which type to go for. I think drying could be an issue in Scotland though! My friends and family think im mad even thinking about it, dont think my mum even believes me! I love how soft they feel, I think something that has helped me decide was reading the question 'would you want to wear paper or cotton knickers?'. Got me thinking!
that is a very valid point there. it must be so uncomfortable for them :-( x
I suppose they don't really know any different but just touching some of these nappies I know which I would prefer! I'm going to use disposables for a few days first though as I've heard the first black poo's can totally stain the nappies!
That sounds like a good idea sarah - i think id prob do that too, also cos ive read on some threads that you can need smaller ones originally that dont last very long - so would ideal want to wait till LO can fit into the birth-potty ones.

I had a look at totsbots on line after reading bout them in another thread and they look quite good - an all in one - but you can kinda pull out the insert to dry quicker.

I have 2 totsbots for sale (I love how Im bigging up my classified thread everywhere lol).

You can put fleece in the nappies as well, just to keep the bottom extra dry and they wont feel any wetness. I kind wished I had fleece pants (not that I pee myself but ooo the comfort).

See if your council runs a money back scheme as well. I brought over £50 worth of new nappies and sent the reciept off to my council and they sent me a cheque for £30 :) Love it!
i got cloth because they are WAY cheaper than 'spoies. Plus i want whats best for my kids and actually if you imagine how many nappies a baby will go through in its life, its a massive mountain of them, then think of the fact that they take 300 years to decompose, then think of how many babies there are born every day...

scary isnt it

i dont want my kids to be living on a nappy mountain so i use reusables and trying and save on landfill space.

Plus, i am well aware that life and stuff is only getting more expensive, if i can give my kids nappies to them for their own kids, it might just really help them out and things like petrol might be in such short supply when they are older that things like nappies might be really, really expensive

I got a load of different nappies to try, all sorts of different makes, just whatever i could find really, but fell in love with Bum Genius Flip nappies, those are what we uses 90% of the time on Jasper now (but actually the last few weeks we have been using eco-sposies because i am moving house and its that tiny bit easier for packing etc)

so i ended up flogging the rest of the nappies and just using Flips, they are fantastic nappies, really really good and i would highly reccomend them to anybody :)

what i look for in a nappy, is a waterproof but cotton feel outer (for comfort) and a very absorbant but not too bulky inner, BG flips are so absorbant and slim that they are no different in size to sposie nappies, where as some of the 'prettier' ones i have tried have been so bulky that i have felt i have been putting my own love for pretty nappies above my childs comfort, which is not what i am into at all :)
if im honest its mainly the cost implications thats swaying me. I know theres a scheme near me that you get thm for free trial - so will hopefully try that.

It is a ridiculous amount cheaper! Especially when you weigh up the cost for a number of children :)
[FONT=&quot]Hi, I’m kate.. new to this space. Can someone help me find a site that offers natural/ eco-friendly baby products?[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
[/FONT][FONT=&quot]I’ve found a few sites but not all their products are organic or eco-friendly, and it’s hard to find a site that has cute stuff.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]

[/FONT][FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
I looked at Totsbots last week at the baby show in Glasgow and was swayed but decided against it. You pay about £300 for 15 day nappies and 5 night nappies they reckon that lasts 2 days. I decided the only way to dry the, in time would be in a tumble dryer as they are very bulky, but all babies should go straight into the, as they are birth to potty training. I have seen a lot of people posting that they dictate a bigger dress size as they are so bulky so if you have a lot of clothes already it may mean they won't be able to use them.
The other thing that put me off was if you were out and got a dirty nappy you have to put it in your bag and carry it home with you, and also if you went away on holiday and didn't have washing facilities you'd need to use disposables anyway.
I admire anyone who goes for it but I decided I wasn't dedicated enough to do that amount of washing religiously! Xx
I looked at Totsbots last week at the baby show in Glasgow and was swayed but decided against it. You pay about £300 for 15 day nappies and 5 night nappies they reckon that lasts 2 days. I decided the only way to dry the, in time would be in a tumble dryer as they are very bulky, but all babies should go straight into the, as they are birth to potty training. I have seen a lot of people posting that they dictate a bigger dress size as they are so bulky so if you have a lot of clothes already it may mean they won't be able to use them.
The other thing that put me off was if you were out and got a dirty nappy you have to put it in your bag and carry it home with you, and also if you went away on holiday and didn't have washing facilities you'd need to use disposables anyway.
I admire anyone who goes for it but I decided I wasn't dedicated enough to do that amount of washing religiously! Xx

I ordered cheaper ones off ebay - which i actually feel are softer than the totsbots/bumgenius expensive ones.

As for washing them - I dont have a tumble drier - I put them through an extra spin in the washing washine - this takes out most of the water - a couple of hours hanging over the radiator or in the sun and your good to go.

Also I didnt use them straight away -newborn babies go through a LOT of nappies, we had barely go them fastened and she'd go in the clean on sometimes - i've just started using mine this past week - at nearly 3 months - G was still in newborn clothes mostly at this stage - its just meant that the 0-3 now fit a bit better.

I'm still experimenting with different ones, but haven't found the one I really like yet. Which ones did you go for in the end?
I have a lot of different ones, but at the moment im preferring my eBay cheapies! They feel so much softer. Xxx
I like the ebay cheapies too! Tesco sold a load of tots bots ones off cheap a few weeks ago, I wish i had brought more as i like these too!
i use 3 types - tots bots all in ones, the itti bittis, and smartipants! i like them all but guess favour smartpants for drying (an hour, no kidding) tot bots for ease of use and they are from glasgow and itti bitti as they are itti!! for every baby there is a nappy i reckon!!
Do others find the nappies get wet around the leg? Also do you change in the night?

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