Clomid research.....

maybe baby

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2010
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Hi Girls,

I was wondering why I was being given Clomid when I Ov so I'm doing some research, here's what I have so far-

How Does Clomid Work?

Clomid is the medication Clomiphene citrate. It is a hormone used to induce ovulation, to correct irregular ovulation, to increase egg production and to correct a condition known as luteal phase deficiency. Clomid is typically taken in doses from 59 mg to 200 mg, and taken for 5-9 days. Clomid is among the most inexpensive fertility drugs. It is easily taken (orally rather than by injection) and it is the first line drug used for ovulation induction in patients with PCOS and other ovulatory disorders. It has been used for patients with luteal phase defect. It can also be used to assess ovarian reserve (the likelihood that a woman's ovaries can still produce viable eggs). Clomid is not useful for women whose ovaries have reached the end of their working life.

Clomid is a potent and complicated medication. Clomid is reacts with all of the tissues in the body that have estrogen receptors, such as the hypothalamus, pituitary, ovary, endometrium, vagina, and cervix. Clomid influences the way that the four hormones required for ovulation, GnRH, FSH, LH and estradiol, relate and interrelate. While we do not completely understand the mechanisms by which this drug works, in essence it appears that Clomid fools the body into believing that the estrogen level is low. This altered feedback information causes the hypothalamus (an area of the brain) to make and release more gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) which in turn causes the pituitary to make and release more FSH and LH. More follicle stimulating hormone and more luteinizing hormone should result in the release of one or more mature eggs - ovulation.

Just as women's bodies are so different from one another, their reactions to Clomid vary tremendously. Some women have virtually no side effects. Others do, but they are more frequently related to emotions. Side effects may include mood swings, hot flashes, breast tenderness, and thinning of the uterine lining. About 10 percent of those who use Clomid will have a multiple pregnancy (twins). Clomid can cause hostile fertile mucous and thins the uterine lining in over 30 percent of the women who use it. The hostile mucus kills sperm, and the thin uterine can prevent implantation or cause an early miscarriage.

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wow, nice research maybe, i'm not on clomid or anything but find this stuff really interesting, i'm such a geek.... :)
thanks for info, I have been wondering what it actually does. I wonder how many people get the side effects? hopefully its a low percentage (I like the 10% get twins bit though!) xx
Ive just been told my by the doc i'll probs need this to concieve when im ready, and its nice knowing theres other ppl out there reading up on it lol! thanks for sharing x
No worries girls!

Yeah I like the twins bit too Sarah!

im on my second course of clomis, first course i only took a single dose a day
mood swings??? i was sooo mad on them i threw a paintbrush at my husband when we were decorating!!
i also had very bad hot flushes, breast tenderness, feeling sick
i was told on day 21 my progesterone was only 1.9% so i had to double them, i expected it to be much worse this time, but a few hot flushes and slight breast tenderness was all i got!
had an hsg yesterday so am hoping the two combined should work! xx
Oooh I have all that to look forward to then!

Good luck with your next round keep us posted!

Now we know that I will be having clomid I had to tell DH that there is a higher percentage of us having twins ...... Poor thing went as white as a sheet lol
Hi maybe baby, I've just joined this forum so not quite sure how it all works. I'm away to start Clomid (have convinced myself I'm officially broken!), been 13 months trying and nowt. Good luck, hope it works for both of us. Have just been on a baby name website torturing myself! :(

Ali :)
Oooh Good Luck Ali, let us know how you get on, I haven't started yet but will let you all know when I do.

I'm thinking of going to the doctors to see if I need this, we have had 19 months with nothing, nada, zip!!!

Thanks for the info and good luck when you do start it. To be honest seems like the symptoms are a lot like my PMT days anyway lol!!

Thanks for sharing! I have been given clomid too, and I have pretty regular cycles (and I do ov). Will start soon!

Lots of luck to all of you girls!! FX that we all get twins:)
Thanks for this info, maybebaby. Let's hope this drug starts to work it's magic with you all! xx

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