Ahh god my first round on clomid was hell lol I was saying to Sarah that my nipples felt like they was burning from ov right up until 5 days before AF was due then they was just sore but not as sore... maybe that was conception thinking back.. obviously not implantation as would of been too early... also gas and bloating was ridiculous! Lol I had ovary pain around ov which made dtd a nightmare
oh wasn’t impressive lol it was funny thinking back I must have jumped all over the bed, and as far away from him as possible
I don’t actually know how I managed to get a bfp lol
Whilst Sarah had a wonderful experience on it lol
Maybe it was just a light AF mrsablett, I hardly ever get those too. But I’ve had 1 or 2 very light cycles in my time which was short lived, infact last month starting clomid was only 2 days, I put it down to the clomid... Are you on metformin for pcos? It apparently makes a lot of peoples af shorter? - I’m on it but only to assist with ov, af is very regular 26days.
Have you done any opk’s? Ahh god I feel so sorry for you!! I’d be going crazy if I didn’t know where in my cycle I was...
I also lost 3 stone last year... (I’ve only ever been just above my BMi) and it didn’t help me ov at all... infact I was exercising with a pt 4 hours a week and lost inches from everywhere! I was tiny! But still didn’t ov.... so I ended up eating crap and putting it back on again... well 2 Stone out of the 3... it also never affected my af... so don’t rely 100% on weight loss to ov.... my friends sister is severely ov and very pcos and has 5 children! Her last one wa born when she turned 40.... - maybe she is one of the lucky ones!! But it gives me hope xx