Buying Clomid off the internet, good idea or not?


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2008
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I know this probably sounds like a stupid question but is it a good idea to buy clomid off the internet? Iv got a fertility apointment at the hospital at the end of october to see about getting help. Im so frustrated that this will take forever to get anywhere that iv been looking on the internet to see if you can buy clomid (which you can!!) My GP said i will probably be put on clomid but i doubt theyll put me on it stright away.

Just getting so frustrated now, been 2 years and 3 month for us :cry:
hmmm Ive heard of this too but id be too scared, imagine if it wasnt clomid? sorry to sound negative but unless it came from docs id be cautious :hug:
well i buy clomid in the gym because i take steroids and i need it to recover from a cycle i got one box left.

i got it once on the net off a steroid website and it was good not fake

dont know if this helps u but thought id better say lol
:hug: aww hun i'm sure after ttc that long it must be so tempting, i wouldn't recommend it though you don't exactly know what the clinic will advise xx
Hi hon,

I'm the same as you - waiting for my appointment at the fertility clinic which will be at the end of October/beginning of November. I think I have a progesterone deficiency as I only have a 7 day luteal phase and I know you can buy progesterone cream off the net but I'm a bit too scared to buy it without the docs permission.

If you can it might be a good idea to wait for your fertility clinic appointment before you make your decision? I've heard clomid has quite strong side effects and it would be good for you to have spoken to the professionals before you start it.

Do you think you can wait 4 weeks before making your decision? It's hard waiting and you have been through 2 years of it but it might be for the best to take professional advice

Thinking of you x
I would wait tbh, the doctors know what they are doing, and you will obviously get the correct dosage and know that the source of the medication from the chemist is much more trustworthy than some random website.

I hope you get some answers soon :hug:
Thanks ladies :hug: i think i'll wait and see what they say, hopefully they'll get me on them in no time. :pray:

There was an article about clomid in my magazine a few weeks ago. I was basically saying how people were buying clomid as they wanted increase their chances of having a multiple birth so they could copy celebs like brangelina, julia roberts etc

It stated the side effects and i really think you should wait untill it is prescibed by a doctor as it's use should be controlled by a proffessional
My mum had to come off it after 6 months because her ovaries nearly ruptured or something, so you definitely should be under the doctor's supervision while taking it.
Yeah thats what i read Cori. It causes ovary hypertension that can be fatal
I've done it. I know my friends probably wouldn't approve but I did it, and I'm happy about it. It was taking for bloody ever to get to see fertility specialists and because my DH is being a dork and not getting tested, they won't get to the stage of prescribing it anyway. I literally cried in a gyn's office about this earlier this year. I know from blood tests, long cycles, and other symptoms that I do not ovulate regularly. Since I've taken the clomid I DEF ovulate and I feel so pleased to have taken some control. Now we just have to see if we can get some sperm to meet these eggs I am now releasing!

I'm today 15 dpo but too scared to test...

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