Hello! Newbie here on CD7 - any cycle buddies?


New Member
Dec 31, 2011
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Hi everyone I'm new here. This is my first cycle since experiencing a 21 week loss five years ago. I'm currently on CD 7 and I am using Clomid to help me conceive as I have PCOS.

This is a scary but exciting journey I'm starting, I'm terrified of another loss but also so excited at the thought of a healthy successful pregnancy.

Since my loss I have been diagnosed with a severe incompetent cervix so when I do get that BFP I will need an operation called an abdominal cerclage at around 12 weeks pregnant and my delivery would be by c-section.

Anyway, back to this cycle! I'm taking Clomid days 3-7 (today is the last pill) and the first cycle was at 50mg. I didn't get too many side effects just a bit crampy but I'm hoping that's a good sign that the pills are doing something down there! I'm going to start using OPK's from day 10.

Look forward to getting to know some of you and finding some cycle buddies! :)
Hi, im so sorry to hear of your loss, there is loads of lovely people on here and i believe in the lttc section there are people on clomid. Fx it wont take long before you get a bfp.

Michelle. x
hey there, sorry to hear about your loss.

I am on CD7 too and also have PCOS! my cycle has been around the 31-33 day mark since coming off the pill a year ago, but last month I was a week late so who knows!

no clomid or anything for me yet, just started using OPKS this month so fingers crossed. For both of us! xx
Hi Michelle thanks for the welcome xx

Hi Lynds, yay we can be cycle buddies! I have no idea how long this cycle is going to be, I had to use tablets called Provera to bring on a bleed as my pcos meant I hadn't had a natural period in over a year! So I'm hoping I will ovulate somewhere normal-ish, around CD 12-18 with any luck!

Thanks for the welcomes ladies xxx
Hiya :wave: welcome to the forum, its only my 3rd month here but there a lovely bunch of girls, really helpfull and great for when we need to have a rant! good luck on your ttc journey xxxxx
at the moment I am doing 1 OPK a day, in the late afternoon. According to the charts I should ovulate on the 10th January (CD18), so will start doing 2 tests a day from about the 6th as i dont want to miss it! Cant wait to start using my CMFM next month, should make things so much easier. I got a cheap 2nd hand one from ebay! x
I'm on CD14 so a little ahead of you.

But welcome!! It's lovely here. Xxxx
extra fertile period starts tomorrow! cant wait to see a positive OPK for the first time. I am quite excited!
fingers crossed I actually ovulate this month..........x

this time next week it will all be over and into the dreaded 2ww......... x

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