Ifelt a bit like that yesterday Kay when I wasn't sure if the positive opk meant anything. Once the line goes darker I think you'll be able to feel more excited - you had a line on both though, so it can't be did. I cried with relief I think when I got the line at 4am this morning!
Definitely try and wait for the fmu mrsablett, or at least until 4am lol!!
I just called the doctors and they told me I had to make an appointment with our local birthing centre. I rang them but it said there would be no one there until tomorrow - more waiting! I then rang my fertility clinic and they said that they pass me over to my gp now so I still feel like I'm nowhere with my questions about the risk of early miscarriage because of the low amh
Good luck Kay with retesting, am sure your line is going to get darker and darker. Any line is a positive - doesn't matter how faint, that's what all the packets say XXX