

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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Lil miss is so clingy.. to me!!! No one else will do. :shock: I've had a couple of weeks off work and lil miss has taken this as a sign to stick to me like glue.... Today DH decided to give me a break and feed lil miss... Well she wasn't having that.. :shakehead: She screamed and screamed and screamed...eventually I go in to see whats happening, take over dinner and... silence except for the appreciative sounds of mmmm mmmm as she eats... he doesn't do anything different...but she wasn't having him feed her.

When DH comes in she'll have a quick cuddle then grumble and winge till she gets passed to me...instant silence. :lol:

Its really sweet though... I thought she'd stop loving me as much as I work, but its turned out that she loves me more :rotfl: Its not funny hurts DH's, MIL's feelings when she rejects them and isn't happy till she is passed to mummy.

I remember Tia went through this stage but she just wanted anyone...she wasn't bothered who...but lil miss is so specific that it has to be me. Apparently she's fine if I'm not there...but if I am in the house, she won't have it. :roll:

Is there anything I can do to help her realise that Papa is OK too? :think: My arms are killing me from having her passed to me all the time.. and a lie in on a weekend would be lovely...
Sounds like Joe. Its very cute but very wearing as I cant even pee without him being at my side. And god forbid stu trys to change hs nappy. I dont know what to suggest because I havent got round it. He was easing off a bit but then the last week has been worse as I was off too and he isnt feeling well so all I hear is muuuuuuuummmmmmmeeeeeee.
Gotta love him :hug: :hug:
Squiglet said:
When DH comes in she'll have a quick cuddle then grumble and winge till she gets passed to me...instant silence.

That sounds familiar :wave:
I'm always telling him that it's because Louis is over-tired after 5 o'clock :roll: Luckily it just happens when he comes back from work, never at the weekend!
I so feel for you! Jared has been exactly the same, even going as far as he will only eat his food sat on my lap!!!! :roll: I can't even leave the room without him howling, and he has taken to waking up through the night shouting for attention. I know its just a phase, but it doesn't make it any easier!

sending you :hug: :hug:
:think: My LO did this at about 8-9 months too but not as strongly as you have described it. It lasted aout a month or so and then she got over it.

But now she is doing it again and this time it is worse - like you described. She is ok with daddy but often if I am there and other people are around, she will always come to me and cling on. If I go away, or she can't see me, she usually settles. As soon as she hears my voice then the fun starts!!

One thing that worked for us it to have OH take her out for a walk etc or something that involves leaving the house and maybe seeing other people for at least an hour. Then if she is still feeling clingy she goes to him :) but otherwise is happy with what they are doing and whoever is around. She seems to 'forget' me for that time and then when they come home she is happy to go to him for the rest of the day.

Does it work if he takes her out of the house and you can stay home?
bloody hell i was just going to post the exact same question.. Evie is currently in the kitchen with OH screaming her head off because I've not picked her up! :roll:

I'm gonna have to go in and cuddle her till she stops. If anyone has the answer I'd love to know!
Dunno... but I read somewhere that it peaks... yes thats right PEAKS!!!!... at a YEAR OLD!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: I nearly cried.... If its this bad now what's it going to be like in 5 months time... :wall: :wall: While in a way, I don't discourage this behaviour.... on bad days, like today, where she just seems miserable with the world, where she's not even really happy with me, but god forbid I should even dare give her to someone else!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: Its ever so draining. It causes friction too with the IL's, they think I don't like giving them the baby and I don't want them seeing her.... honestly, I do... the baby just doesn't like it.. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I'm desperate for some free arm time.

Ironically she thinks my mum's great atm... She was quite happy to go with Grandma yesterday and say good bye to us... I was tempted to run. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Yeah mine is one this week and it is quite extreme :( I carried her in the sling for an hour yesterday evening and the same again today. I gave up on the trying to get her to play on her own for now. She just wants to be carried around if we are inside our house OR play outside the whole day eating dirt. Can't win.

She will do things for me, like leaving a house, or toy, cat etc but if OH tries to stop her or take her away she sits down and shouts, cries etc.

I understand about the ILs. I keep getting comments like 'you should leave her with other people so she isn't as clingy' etc. I don't mind but she just doesn't want to be there. Last time OH took her there and she played nicely but after a while she went to him to be picked up and waved goodbye to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Harrison is the same, will not amuse himself at all and working from home is impossible :(

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