
Tiny Sue

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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Hi Claire, we've seen each other around the TTC forum. Did you know that you and I are due on exactly the same day, August 21st? That is if I'm 4 weeks instead of 8 weeks, as my GP seemed to think as I was having symptoms very early.

How are you feeling? Do you have symptoms?

Tiny Sue said:
Hi Claire, we've seen each other around the TTC forum. Did you know that you and I are due on exactly the same day, August 21st? That is if I'm 4 weeks instead of 8 weeks, as my GP seemed to think as I was having symptoms very early.

How are you feeling? Do you have symptoms?


Oh wow. That would be lovely if we were due the same time. I'm not having any symptoms tbh, my boobs are not sore, no sickness etc. I only have a few mild cramps. I didn't get symptoms until about 6 weeks with dd. You may be further along, when will your doc confirm how many weeks you are?

I have to make an appointment for an early dating scan outside of my normal clinic because they don't do it, hopefully I should have one just after Christmas.

I'm a little worried today. Due to the fact that I thought I had a period last month - but it was about 50% lighter, my doc thought it might have been an implantation bleed. Trouble is, I took my prescribed 5 day doses of clomid 50mg from days 3 to 7 of that cycle. NOW I'm reading that taking clomid while pregnant can cause birth defects like blindness or spina bifida.

Never straightforward with me, is it? :roll:

Did you or the doctor do a pregnancy test before you started taking your last course of chlomid? I'm sure everything will be fine, your doctor will reassure you. The chances are you are only the same amount of weeks as me if you had a light period. Alot of ladies get strong symptoms even before af has been missed. One bit of advice my doctor gave me is not to look for medical advice on the internet because it can drive you crazy! Let me know how your booking in appointment goes. Really try not to worry :hug: I know it'll be fine.

I had a two day light period which was an implantation bleed (my only symptom for 2 weeks) so you could be further on than you thought.

I took megastrength DO NOT TAKE IN PREGNANCY antibiotics for food poisoning while pregnant too and the doctor said everything would be fine - and it is!

So try not to worry and good luck for a healthy pregnancy. Surely it's better to be further along as you have less time to wait to meet your little one?! :hug:

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