

Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2007
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My MIL was surprised we weren't going to get Dexter circumcised - OH is but it was for medical reasons and she says now she wishes she'd had all her boys done as they all ended up having problems with bleeding foreskins etc. It never crossed my mind to get it done, obviously if he was having medical problems I would but otherwise I'll leave well alone. OH isn't bothered either way and MIL would never force the issue but it just surprised me that it surprised her if you see what I mean!

Has anyone else considered this and for what reasons? MIL is from the Caribbean btw where it is more common.
im against chopping unless necessary.
It's not something I ever considered. I know that it's more common in different countries & cultures but I don't see the point unless he needed it doing on medical grounds.
Ditto the others. Unless it was for medical reasons I'd leave well alone. In some cultures and faiths its done as standard but I really don't see the need.

Way I see it is boys are born with a foreskin, let them keep it :)
i agree with the others, i wouldn't do it to mine unless there was a medical reason.
Unless it's necessary for medical reasons, I'm competely against it :D It's a little barbaric IMO
I agree medical reasons only :D

OH has but i am assuming medical reasons. He wont tell me why :?
I'm not coming at this from an informed standpoint at all but I remember on ER once one of the doctors circumcised his son - and it was done without anaesthetic! So I definitely say no.

I went out with someone who chose to be circumcised as an adult and it curved round! It reminded me of Gonzo's nose :oops:
When i was researching labour and birth etc i came across a site which had videos of births, it was a medical site, it also had a video of a circumcision on an infant.

It nearly made me sick, and i couldn't watch it all, i really dont agree with it for anything other then medical reasons, the baby in the video screamed none stop as soon as they started.

The only time Tally has ever screamed like that was when she was starving and ignored in the car and it made me cry with her, i couldnt do it.

Make your MIL watch a video like that, might make her change her mind
Sam has a mild case of hypospadius unfortunately, where the foreskin didn't quite form all the way round. When he is a year to 18 months, he has to have an op to reposition his peehole and the therefore remove the foreskin, and the result will apparently look like a circumcised penis.

Fortunately the consultant said this is fairly low risk surgery - in that any errors that do occur and easily repaired and although circumcised willies are the minority, they are by now means rare - however, we wouldn't have had it done voluntarily.

L xx
Lisamj said:
Sam has a mild case of hypospadius unfortunately, where the foreskin didn't quite form all the way round. When he is a year to 18 months, he has to have an op to reposition his peehole and the therefore remove the foreskin, and the result will apparently look like a circumcised penis.

Fortunately the consultant said this is fairly low risk surgery - in that any errors that do occur and easily repaired and although circumcised willies are the minority, they are by now means rare - however, we wouldn't have had it done voluntarily.

L xx

My nephew had to hav this operation a few months ago. He was fine (bouncing off the walls again within a few hours :lol: )

My OH has his foreskin removed for medical reasons as an infant, Jake wont be unles it is for his health.
I agree with everyone else - unless it was for medical reasons I would never do it. That's how babies are born - how nature made us so I'm not going to argue!

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