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Christmas wrapping paper question :O)


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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Stoopid question but here goes

Every year I like to co-ordinate my wrapping paper so when I give someone more than one gift, they match, plus it makes under the tree look cool too. :lol:
For example, last year I had purple and gold, about 4 different rolls, some mainly gold with bits of purple and vice versa the year before was red, blue and silver.

Does anyone else do this? and if so what colours are you going for this year? I haven't decided yet, I've been on the look out though, any suggestions appreciated.

Do you like wrapping presents? I love it but I have to wait till the Music Choice channel on Sky has the Christmas songs channel and sit and do it to Christmas music :oops:
We have loads of rolls and have everything looking different :cheer:
i love wrapping presents and yes i do like to colour co-ordinate, i usually do it traditional red and gold and green but i like the look of silver and blue for this year me thinks :lol:
Oh I forgot to say I get different paper for kids, and it HAS to have father Christmas on it :D
clairescunny55 said:
i love wrapping presents and yes i do like to colour co-ordinate, i usually do it traditional red and gold and green but i like the look of silver and blue for this year me thinks :lol:

YAY someone else like me :lol:

I was wondering about the red gold and green thing for this year, but I do like silver

My christmas decoration theme is silver and red :)
And my wrappin paper theme is the same
apart from Keeley's which is christmas disney princesses 8) I've wrapped all of Keeley's already
I like wrapping i did Keeley's on a saturday night when theres loads to watch on telly :D

I'm so EXCITED about christmas this year!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
yey ive got millie princess paper too,got it reduced after xmas last year, 10p a roll :) begrudge paying £3 a roll for something thats just gunna get ripped up and put in bin lol
I hate wrapping presents!!!

I did make my own paper on year - brown parcel paper and I got a gold pen and drew swirls and stars on it then wrapped it with old curling tape. The parcels looked really pretty. (Have also seen it done with red / green paint prints with a potato cut into an xmas tree etc.)
clairescunny55 said:
yey ive got millie princess paper too,got it reduced after xmas last year, 10p a roll :) begrudge paying £3 a roll for something thats just gunna get ripped up and put in bin lol

I got it on offer in boots 3 rolls for £2 and the tags were 3 packs for £1 :cheer:
Wow I though I was odd. I always have matching paper, but it is always red and gold. These colours are christmas to me. This year I have plain red, plain gold, gold with a red pattern and red with a gold pattern. Peopl with more than 1 pressie can not have the same paper, and everything is wrapped wth much care and ribbons :lol:

I also have kids paper, santa or snowmen, so a bit more flexible than you :lol:

I like wrapping better than shopping :rotfl: :rotfl:
emma28 said:
Peopl with more than 1 pressie can not have the same paper,

Definitely! I love giving someone 4-5 little gifts that are all co-ordinated.

I'm going to do silver paper with turqoise ribbon and tother way round too :cheer: thats when i actually do my xmas shopping :oops:
LOL... very odd... I hate wrapping presents.. seems pointless because its only under the tree from when Santa delivers it (aka... DD is in bed) to around 5 am.. (when no one sees it anyways, not even me because my eyes don't work at that time in the morning).. where the paper is unceremoniously torn from the packet and tossed into a big messy pile in the middle of the living room, where mummy has to then go get a black plastic bag and dump it in the bin...

Seems a bit of a waste of time tbh.. *sigh..
I don't co ordinate quite like that but.
Emily is all silver and white with angels/fairies on
Jacks is red with santa and snowmen

I have Male wrapping paper and Female wrapping paper LOL
I usually coordinate because I am Hyacinth Bucket but this year I am thinking of having a green year. No xmas cards and no wrapping paper. Instead of sending cards I am going to phone everyone I would send a card to and actually "say" merry christmas and with regards to the paper I am going to wrap the kids pressies ie Isaacs etc with recycled xmas paper but the adults are just going to get theirs out of a bag I think.

Lou :)
I match :cheer:

Children this year have Simpsons (primark special offer) adults is red for men, silver for women.
- tags bows etc all match 8)
I celebrate Yule rather than xmas as my beliefs are pagan. I will wrap pressies in silver (symbolising the moon) and purple (symbolising the spirit). It still looks xmassy though! :D
I hate wrapping more so at the mo, bump kinda get in my way and back ache kicks in after about 10 min :roll:

But i do match my pappers tags and ribbon. Its the only fun part of the whole thing for me. :D

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